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Life Stories by StarzAstroWand - "Decide On Survival"

Feb 7, 2020

Decide on Survival

Everything that is alive works hard to live. Every action is based on survival and the propagation of the species, and that goes for anything alive, plant or animal. Everything we do makes a difference and affects everything around us, no matter how small. We may never know what happens due to our actions but if we look back we can see how the past has affected how we live now and it should help us make better choices in how we affect the lives of others in this battle of survival.

The man who started coming in to the golf club seemed very uneasy. Kenny was only in his 50s, healthy looking and had just come in from the golf course with several other men. Everyone else was relaxed, sharing scores and talking about their time on the course while enjoying a beer. But it was obvious this was not a familiar setting for Kenny, but luckily after a couple of beers his guard went down...way down, and he started talking. He lived a few miles out of town on a farm in the house he was born in. He worked as a bookkeeper in a local business but until today he was very set in the familiar life-routine his parents had enforced every day of his life. Everything was done a certain way at a certain time with NO exceptions including home schooling until the two years of college. After college he was hired by the place he was working at now and was the only job he ever had in the tiny town he had ever lived in. Sitting in a nice bar/club with a loud, laughing bunch of friendly 'town owners' was something he had never experienced.

All of the jobs in my life were doing what I was doing at that moment, dealing with the public, keeping things relaxed and comfortable while following all the rules-of-the-job. Remember that when you see people who work with the public. That person has to follow all the rules and expectations of the employer but at the same time make sure the public is comfortable and taken care of. And that is what I was doing with Kenny. I smiled and narrowed the conversation to simple things I felt he would be comfortable with, such as his home, what he did out on his farm, and what he did for fun. In a short period of time (and 3 beers later) he told me his life story short and simple with no excitement of any kind. He lived on the farm, had always followed the rules of his parents in every aspect of life, and they had died several years ago. That was it. I smiled, patted his hand, and told him I bet the changes he made would be wonderful. It was 100% apparent it had NEVER occurred to him he was a free man and now the owner of the farm. The lights went on in his face and I could see his brain start to work!

In just a few years Kenny made major life changes. He kept the same job but started living life for the first time! He came to the club on a regular basis and talked about the new things in his life. He made changes at the farm, got rid of most of the animals, invited others to the farm for picnics and changed his routine to the hours HE enjoyed. He bought a fun car and did some traveling. He was funny and relaxed and I have to admit I felt I should take some of the credit because every time he came into the club we talked about everything and I am sure it made a difference! This taught me that our survival does not just depend on us, it depends on everything and everyone around us and that our actions and attitude affects everything! If we don't like something, we can either change it, affect it or learn to let it work for us in some way. It showed me that everything we do affects someone or something in some way. Remember that. Do what feels best and just keep living. The next crossroad is not far away and we need all the information we can get!

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