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Life Stories by StarzAstroWand - "Club Family"

Dec 6, 2019

Club Family

The country club was very nice, not too large, privately owned by a large company and built in an isolated forested area next to a nice, not-on-the-main track neighborhood in a small, isolated coastal town. You had to know where you were going. It was also one of the most interesting places I worked due to the fact most of the regular patrons were a 'somebody' in town such as the mayor, doctors, business owners, and all their friends.

Starting that job felt more like joining a large family especially when most of the customers were the same people every day. They would play golf, having a drink, playing some cards and talk with their friends in a safe setting which was what made the Club even more important. Plus, in a setting where people are drinking in a safe environment, truth is almost always laid out without a second thought. My having to carry the burden of that truth was sometimes difficult, but part of the job. I discovered that rich, important people have the same problems as anyone else and also need to talk about how they feel. It did not take long until I knew things about these people I'm sure no one else ever knew. I have to say it made me feel strangely powerful in some ways. And evidently they did too.

It was my day off, the kids were in bed and I was flopped on the couch watching TV when there was a knock at the door. It was Wally, one of the club customers and a construction company owner. He was drunk, very drunk. He said: "I think this is a good time to take you to bed." He laughed and staggered in to the house. I laughed and asked him where he had been and why was he out so drunk this time of night! He stuck with his desire to 'have' me and I said well maybe you should rest a few minutes, sober up? He agreed he was a little bit slogged and staggered over to the couch and flopped while he kept babbling about how much fun we were going to have and how much he liked me. I told him I liked him, too, and handed him some coffee. I mean there was no way I would ever bed down any of my married customers. I was an attractive 25 year old single mother but in a town that small and in a club that exclusive I'm sure everyone kept track of my every move. My knowing the personal details of everyone in that high-class-status was the best reward of working at the place! No way was I going to jeopardize that bonus!

A few hours later I woke Wally up. He sat there looking around mumbling: "Where am I?" I told him he had come to visit me a few hours ago but I thought now was a good time for him to get home if he felt he could drive. He sat there looking totally confused and said he felt fine, then thanked me and left.

The next day at work he walked in looking totally embarrassed. I said: "well, well, it's Wallyboy, how you doing?" He laughed, looked totally embarrassed and thanked me and quietly mumbled he hoped I had not told anyone? I told him it was between us, and the incident was over. I now shared something with the Wally-of-town.

A few weeks later I cashed in on the bonus. I was too broke to buy all the school supplies for the kids so I went to the bank and asked if I could take out a small loan on my car. The guy-at-the-bank (also a Club customer) said yes. He knew I would pay it back but also said he would give me more cash if I had a co-signer. I reached out and took the document, grabbed my purse and said I would be back shortly. The bank guy just sat there staring as I went out the door. I jumped in the car and decided to just drive around and think of who might co-sign the loan. As I pulled in to the small shopping center there was Wally with a couple of his business partners! What a great coincidence! I walked up to him with the paper and a pen and said: "I need a signature." He reached out and grabbed the paper from me and said: "Turn around!" I turned around. He put the paper on my back, signed it, and handed it to me as he continued to walk away. He never even looked at it and not one word was said. He just kept walking and talking business like I had never been there.

I zipped back to the bank. The look on the bank guy's face was priceless as I walked back to his desk and handed him the document. He just sat there shaking his head staring at the paper. He was amazed and he knew he could not possibly turn down a signature like that. Ten minutes later I went shopping. The signature was never mentioned by anyone at any time. The loan was eventually repaid, the kids went to school, and my appreciation for the Club Family grew even stronger.

We must all acknowledge good luck when it happens, be thankful for it and use it well. If we do, more will come to us.. show our thanks... The Club of Luck had more to give, and I was totally determined to make sure I deserved it.

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Image: 133466182 Date: Nov 30, 2018

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