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Life Stories by StarzAstroWand - "Casper Gail"

Oct 25, 2019

Casper Gail

We hear all the time that there are 'spirits' around us... things out there we cannot see, but are still there. We talk to them just in case they are, indeed 'out there', but there are times when we need some proof, something that has no explanation, something that takes some of the doubt (and fear) out of our lives. I mean, to be told there is something out there but with no proof of it or no explanation about it can make an already challenging life even more unsettling. But then something happens that has absolutely no explanation. It may not be a big event, but when it happens we know something else has stepped in. It gives us some kind of proof that maybe, just maybe, there are, indeed, other energies around us. What kind they are, who they are, where they come from, no one knows, but there are times we simply cannot deny that they are there.

The phone call was for me. He told me his wife, my wonderful friend, Gail had died. We knew it was coming. I was with her when the doctor told her she had ten good years ahead of her, but after that, well, there was not much more they could do. She took good care of herself, went ahead and lived an active, interesting life and just accepted the fact it had a limit. The last few years were bad, in and out of the hospital with serious problems, but somehow she always managed to come back home and make the most of what was left. I had been traveling and had not seen her for about 5 years but we had always been in touch, sending letters, keeping each other up on what was going on, letting each other know we cared. So when the call came it was not unexpected, but I fell into a sadness that is hard to describe. I think losing a friend is significant in the fact they loved you just because they are you, no other reason. They are not obligated to care about you, like a family member, they care about you because they chose to. That can be so hard to lose. I wanted to tell her I was sorry she had suffered, that her time was cut short, that I would miss her. I wished there was a sign that she was okay.

I was living with friends in a nice neighborhood on the California coast. There were sandy yards and tall wooden fences separating them. The people on one side had a couple of cats, one totally white named Casper, and a totally black one named Shadow. Shadow was very friendly and social. He would sit in the front yard and help me eat my ice cream and would walk along the fence in the back yard and if he did not see the very large Labrador who also lived in our home, he would drop in a lap and visit awhile. The patio had a glass door that opened into the dining room, and another door that opened into the garage. That one had a doggy door on it so the Lab could sleep in the garage and go outside into the fenced back yard whenever he wanted.. The kitties had it all figured out but Casper was not social at all. We might see him on the back fence now and then but he never made eye contact or said anything as he was passing by. He was rarely seen and no one had ever touched him.

After the call about Gail, I went to the sliding door to step out on the patio to cry in private and what I saw on the patio table took my breath away. It was Casper.. Sitting on the table. I slowly opened the sliding glass door and walked out to the chair in front of the table. Casper didn't move a muscle. I sat down crying and said hello to the beautiful animal. He stepped from the table on to my lap and I cried and hugged him and talked to him softly so as not to attract the attention of the dog that was in the garage a few feet away. Casper purred and snuggled with me, he made soft, gentle noises as I said my good-bye to Gail and let my sadness flow. I thanked him for his love, and I cannot deny I felt it was Gail using this soft gentle creature to say her good-bye. What other explanation was there? I could feel Gail's energy around us, there was no other way to see it. When I had let my sadness out and let the energy around us take it away, Casper said good bye with a purr and a rub, then went to the fence and vanished. An animal who never showed any signs of being social, that I had never touched had sat and shown love in a very risky setting. I had to say 'Thanks Gail... you always were someone who knew how to get it done!' I knew she was okay; I felt better, I felt calm. It was one of those times when you know for sure there are, indeed, energies we cannot see. To this day I talk to them all the time. I mean I had been shown that sometimes if you need them, they are, indeed, there! Acknowledge them, talk to them. I promise, they DO exist!

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Image: 133466182 Date: Nov 30, 2018

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