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Life Stories by StarzAstroWand - "Boat Load"

Oct 11, 2019

Boat Load

There are times to just go ahead and be yourself and other times when we need to use some common sense...if we have any. I never suffered from shyness and find just about everything in life 'interesting'. If something is not 'interesting' we have a choice to make. Would it be worthwhile to stir things up or maybe just go along and see where the path leads? I learned that everything is what we make of it! How (and what) we think of something is up to us! Imagine that.

I always enjoyed going to Seattle to visit my friends. They were patient with me most of the time. I mean they were a hard working, follow-all-the-rules couple, and did everything the correct way. While me, on the other hand, was not a big risk taker but if there was a back road to my next destination, I took it. I found it boring to go the 'usual' direction and just sit still until I got there. I mean I did not always follow all the rules, never had a shy bone in my body, and yes, on one of my visits I forgot I had a cute, tiny gun in my purse while at the airport with them. And each one of them immediately grabbed an arm and hauled me outside to the car chewing me out the whole way.. But at least there were not many dull moments when I came to visit!

This time they decided that taking the ferry/ship from Seattle to Victoria, Canada would be a fun, safe way to spend this particular Saturday with me. I am not sure what the boat was called since it hauled cars and passengers but was a pretty good sized vessel with a cafe in a large, open passenger room where people could sit on big wooden benches looking out the windows that surrounded the room while having a snack. There were big bathrooms, a large main deck to walk around on, and we could sit on pretty chairs topside while enjoying the voyage to the neighboring country. I was in new territory. I had never been on a vessel like this before. There was exploring to do! I started with the bathroom.

The first bathroom I found was very large with about 7 toilets but it was out of order! Ladies were roaming around wondering what to do when a ship worker came up and announced where the other restroom was. All the other ladies walked off in the direction of the crew member, but I noticed a bunch of stairs going down to the ferry part so naturally I started exploring everything up and down while 'technically' searching for the potty. As I walked around, a handsome crew member asked me if he could help me in any way. I said yes! Explain the ship to me! We stood there talking like we had known each other all our lives with his thick Scottish accent making the talk great fun! Then he said his name was Jamie and he was on a break, and why not come and have tea with him! So down we went to the crew quarters! This was the crew's private, off duty place but none of them seemed to have a problem with a passenger coming to visit with Jamie. They poured me a cup of tea and we all sat in front of the portholes talking and laughing and watched as the ship pulled away from the Seattle dock. We were off!

After awhile I told Jamie I should get back up topside to find my friends. He said 'sure let's go' in his fun Scottish accent and helped me find my way back up to where I last saw my friends. And did I ever see those friends! They were frantic! They were running all over the place asking people: 'Have you seen a woman about this tall wearing this and that!? We can't find her!' I ran to them and said I was so sorry! I was down below having tea with the crew. They were upset, angry and relieved at the same time! They knew I had set out to find a bathroom and I was gone so long they didn't know if I was even still on the ship! I took my chewing out, and at least tried to look ashamed. I knew they had planned this trip so they would not have to deal with anymore of my 'adventures'.but...well, we are who we are.

A few hours later we got to beautiful Victoria, Canada and enjoyed a wonderful visit walking all over the place being happy, rule-following visitors and a few hours later got back on the same boat to head back to Seattle. I was being watched like a hawk and they did not take their eye off me until we pulled away from the Canadian dock. We went into the indoor Cafe area and relaxed while watching us float through a fantastic dream. My lady friend was still giving me flack about my adventure with Jamie when out of the crowd ran... Jamie! He said hello in his great accent and said for us to come with him, that he had something fantastic for us to do! My friends looked a bit unsettled but said okay, lets go! (They were getting in to the adventure groove - couldn't be helped.) It was turning dark outside so we were floating along seeing the beautiful lights of the city and other ships, and where did Jamie take us? To the main Bridge of the boat! We climbed up a ladder type stairway and walked in to where they were guiding the ship! The Captain was standing there holding his binoculars. He said hello, then looked away. I mean we were on the main bridge of a beautiful boat pulling in to the beautiful Seattle night lights! How many people can say that?

Jamie thanked the crew for allowing us to come in, then guided us back down the ladder to our seats in the cafe area while he was telling me the boat/crew were spending the night in Seattle and maybe if I had time I could meet him at the bar down town where all the crew hung out! I was being asked out! I told him I would do my best to be there but could not promise it and thanked him greatly for his wonderful gift and a fun day! He grinned big and said he hoped he would see me later then faded into the past.

I tell you, this was a ride that was hard to beat, and my friends had to admit it was almost worth my antics and that we had a boat load of fun that was well worth the splash! It was not the last adventure with this 'correct couple', but it was one of the most fun! They could not help but acknowledge my adventure-seeking did bring some interesting results!

Thank you Jamie! And thank you fate for giving me fun times and friends who put up with my antics but loved me anyway.

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Image: 133466182 Date: Nov 30, 2018

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