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July Gardening in the U.S.

Jul 17, 2017

Regional gardening tips for summer from Most importantly, keep a close eye on pests and disease, then sit back and enjoy your garden and all the efforts you put in earlier in the year to get it where it is now.



Slow down and give you and your plants a rest from the heat
Give plants a mid-season feeding or side dressing, to get them through to the fall
Keep tabs on rainfall and water as needed
Stay ahead of weeds
Replace mulch as needed
Check garden centers for mark downs on remaining plants
Keep lawns at about 3", to protect from summer heat
Keep bird feeders and baths clean


Keep up on deadheading
Shear back spent annuals by 1/3
Focus on heat and rain resistant flowers like: coleus, hibiscus, melampodium, pentas, plumbago, portulaca and zinnias
Do a final pinching by mid-July, of fall blooming flowers like mums and asters
Divide Iris


Harvest daily.
Find a Plant a Row for the Hungry program to donate to
Reseed beans and lettuce
Start fall crops of peas and cole crops
Time to dig the garlic, onions and potatoes.
Treat yourself to some new potatoes. Carefully loosen the soil under your plants to find a few small potatoes to harvest
Plant a cover crop in bare spots in the vegetable garden


Check berries regularly to harvest before the birds get them
Clean up fallen fruits under trees
Check fruit trees for water sprouts (branches growing straight up from limbs) and remove

Trees & Shrubs

Prune summer flowering shrubs as soon as the blossoms fade
Hold off on planting until the fall. If you must transplant, keep well watered.

Pests to Watch For

Thrips (distorted flowers)
Spider mites (undersides of leaves)
Tomato fruitworm
Tomato horn worm
Chinch bugs in lawns
Be alert for Japanese beetles.

Warmer Areas

Plant a cover crop, if it's too hot to grow vegetables this month
Start planning your fall garden
Start seeds of heat loving vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, okra, eggplant and cucumbers
You can still plant container grown citrus trees and tropical fruits
Succession sow sunflowers (every 2 - 3 weeks) for a steady supply

Gulf Coast and Florida

Prepare for hurricane season and keep dead limbs pruned

Image: Gardening in July -

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