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Irish Names That Are Most Mispronounced In America

Jul 5, 2018

Image: Celtic knot shamrock –

Why do some Americans have such a hard time with Irish names? It's often the double vowel that catches out many people when they try to pronounce Gaelic names. Sometimes the triple vowel, as in “Caoimhe,” completely stumps them.

Having an Irish name in the US is an experience unto itself! There's the gradual acceptance that many people you meet - from new friends to the fine baristas at Starbucks - will have no idea how to spell or pronounce your name. There's the patience you learn to muster as you repeat your name slowly for the umpteenth time. There's the rare moment of sheer exultation when you encounter someone who gets your name right on the first go, or an Irish speaker who doesn't give it a second thought. is where the article came from!

Here’s a list of the top ten tongue twisting Irish names - and a guide on how to pronounce them:

1. Caoimhe

Meaning “gentle” in Gaelic. Pronounced “Kweeva”, not “Cam-he”.

2. Siobhan

Very common Gaelic name. Pronounced “SHIV awn” not “SEE o ban”.

3. Oisin

Historical old Irish name of a fabled Fenian warrior. Pronounced “USH een” not “Waz an”.

4. Sinead

Again a common girl’s name. Pronounced “SHIN ade” not “Sign aid”.

5. Aisling

Meaning dream or vision. Seen in "The Secret of Kells". Often pronounced “Ass Sling” by Americans. Proper pronunciation is “ASH ling”.

6. Niamh

Very common name with girls in Ireland. Pronounced “KNEE ov” not “NI Am H”.

7. Grainne

8. Cathal

Boys name meaning Charles in Gaelic. Pronounced “Cah Hull” not “cattle”.

9. Tadgh

This is a difficult one. This is a boy’s name. Pronounced “TIG” as in the first three letters in Tiger, not “Tad guh”.

10. Saoirse

Meaning freedom, see also actress Saoirse Ronan. Pronounced “See Or Shah” or "Ser Shah," not “Say oar see”.

Practice makes perfect! And remember, before you complain about how hard they are to pronounce, it's important that you keep in mind the reason it's so hard; the names are in another language!

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