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Here Are 20 Insanely Clever Uses For Epsom Salt At Home

May 12, 2022

Image: Vintage Epsom Salt Label –

It’s no secret that salt can be bad for us. But if you’ve rid your home of every type of the stuff, you should think again says While Epsom salt may not be suitable for seasoning at the dinner table, it still has a myriad of uses that may make your life easier — including healing a bruise more quickly. There’s a good reason why it’s worth putting Epsom salt in the corner of a room, too.

20. It helps to remove splinters

Splinters can be a pain. While they may be tiny little things — sometimes barely visible to the naked eye — they’ll certainly let you know once they’ve got under your skin. And, sometimes, a splinter can be so far embedded into the flesh that tweezers can’t quite reach it. On such an occasion, Epsom salt can come to the rescue.

To the rescue

After immersing the afflicted part of the body in an Epsom salt bath, the splinter will work its way to the surface. If the fragment has lodged itself deep into the skin, though, simply apply some of the mineral to a bandage and then cover the affected area. Then, after 24 hours, the splinter should be eased out far enough for you to get it.

19. It’s a hair-care marvel

Each hair follicle on the body contains a sebaceous gland. And as the name suggests, the role of these glands is to generate a substance known as sebum — something that helps keep hair looking glossy. There may be a problem, though, if you produce too much sebum. This can lead to greasy locks and oily skin.

Epsom shampoo

Fortunately, Epsom salt can draw oil out of the hair if a little is combined with regular shampoo. The shampoo should then be applied as normal. And if it’s combined with conditioner and left for 20 minutes before rinsing, the compound can even help tame frizz. As a bonus, Epsom salt can add volume to flat hair by stripping away any product buildup.

18. It’s a great relaxant

A long, hot bath can be the perfect way to unwind. But if you throw a couple of cups of Epsom salt into the tub, you can crank that soak up to a whole new level. You see, the human body contains minerals such as sodium, potassium, sulfur, and chlorine. It also contains magnesium — which is plentiful in Epsom salt.

Super soak

So, when you lie in water that has been sprinkled with Epsom salt, its key ingredient, magnesium sulfate, will infiltrate the skin. And this substance not only has a relaxing effect on the nervous system, but it can also help loosen up tense muscles.

17. It can cure a hangover

If you’ve over-indulged on a night out, Epsom salt could provide the hangover cure you need. The chemicals produced by the body when processing alcohol are what cause the pain of the morning after. That includes those pesky feelings of exhaustion and nausea.

Ease the pain

Happily, lying in an Epsom salt bath can help to ease some of the ailments associated with a hangover. Even consuming a teaspoon of the stuff in a little liquid could stimulate the body’s water production and flush the toxins away. Exercise caution, though, when it comes to how much you take.

16. It promotes sleep

Getting plenty of rest is super important for your health. Prolonged sleep deprivation can mean running the risk of such potentially life-changing conditions as high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, and stroke. So, if you’re struggling to get those recommended eight hours a night in, you could turn once again to Epsom salt.

The magnesium abundant in Epsom salt may encourage the production of melatonin — the hormone responsible for keeping sleep patterns consistent. By taking a bath in the stuff before bed, then, the magnesium content of the water could aid relaxation and so help to achieve a decent amount of shut-eye.

15. It can help produce a soothing foot spa

Feet are the workhorses of our bodies, and so we owe it to our tootsies to give them some tender loving care once in a while. All too often, though, our feet are neglected. And sometimes we can be unkind to them without even realizing it.

Treat for the feet

Treat your feet by giving them a half-hour to an hour’s soak biweekly in a bath or spa containing Epsom salt. The magnesium in the salt could improve muscle performance, boost energy, and help decrease any swelling. It may even help ease the symptoms of skin conditions such as eczema and athlete’s foot.

14. Use it as a facial cleanser

Epsom salt can be great for cleaning the face and flushing out dirt in pores. Just add a half-teaspoon into your regular cleanser and gently massage the concoction into the skin. This blend will handily improve hydration as well as scrub away any dead cells. Then simply remove the mix with cold water.

Deep treat

For a deeper treatment, apply Epsom salt as part of a facial mask. First, dampen your face. Then apply a recipe of cognac, powdered milk, egg, lemon juice, and Epsom salt to oily skin. If your skin is normal to dry, however, the mineral compound should be mixed with mayonnaise and shredded carrot.

13. It’s a great exfoliator

Thanks to Epsom salt’s texture, it’s an excellent ingredient in a scrub. And by blending the salt with coconut oil, you’ll have a comparatively cheap and surprisingly effective body exfoliator. Grab a handful of the mixture and gently work into wet skin after a shower, then rinse it off and apply lotion.

The skin you're in

It’s even said that Epsom salt can alleviate the effects of certain skin ailments. Some believe, for instance, that the substance can reduce the effects of acne as well as soothe sunburn. But while Epsom salt is not claimed to be a miracle cure for such afflictions, its anti-inflammatory benefits can nevertheless help ease some symptoms.

12. It can help make an effective lip scrub

Many people are prone to dry lips — not least because the skin there is thinner and more fragile than elsewhere on the body. The sun and wind, in particular, can have an impact by parching our lips and so leading them to peel and crack.

However, the body scrub recipe mentioned above can also double as a lip exfoliator. And don’t worry if you accidentally eat some during the polishing process, as Epsom salt is perfectly safe to consume in small quantities. Although you should definitely hold off on adding it to your dinner!

11. It relieves stress

The health benefits of Epsom salt aren’t merely cosmetic. It can also help balance moods, for instance, as well as calm anxiety, reduce stress, and alleviate depression. In fact, a number of specialists believe that magnesium encourages the brain’s production of serotonin — the chemical that promotes mental well-being.

All in a name

How did Epsom salt get its name? Well, it’s taken from a town in southern England that boasts a spring known for its salinity. Yet the compound is actually comprised of sulfate and magnesium, rather than chlorine and sodium. That’s why it’s not recommended to consume it in large amounts.

10. It can aid recovery from exercise

Many exercise enthusiasts believe that Epsom salt baths can help in their recovery from workouts. In May 2019 New York-based physical therapist Corinne Croce elaborated on this point to Runner’s World. She said, “Magnesium is known to increase relaxation, reduce inflammation, and aid in muscle and nerve function. And the sulfate in Epsom salt is said to help with recovery and detoxification.”

Aches and pains

Georgia Southern University’s Greg Grosicki has also acknowledged the link between muscle pain and a lack of magnesium in the body. He explained to Runner’s World, “By taking an Epsom salt bath or by exposing the skin to Epsom salts in a cream, we hope to increase our magnesium levels and reduce muscle soreness.”

9. It eases sprains and bruising

It’s thought that Epsom salt can not only be used to calm swelling in bruises, but also to ease the discomfort of a sprained ankle. And while it’s important not to treat a painful ankle with salt baths too soon after injury — as this can do more harm than good — such therapy can ultimately relieve tension in damaged tissue and muscles.

Take what you get

That said, the medical benefits of Epsom salt for sprains and bruises or exercise recovery are entirely subjective. While some people may feel better after soaking their limbs in the stuff, there is actually little scientific evidence to definitively say why. But as there’s nothing much to prove that Epsom salt doesn’t work in such instances, either, there’s no harm in giving it a try.

8. It helps with constipation

If a bowel blockage occurs, Epsom salt can help to shift it. Simply mix a couple of teaspoons of the substance into a large glass of water, then drink the liquid. This should go on to loosen the contents of the intestine by encouraging the production of more water. It should be noted, though, that oral consumption of Epsom salt comes with a warning.

Word of warning

Some people may in fact find that eating or drinking Epsom salt causes diarrhea — which in turn may lead to both dehydration and considerable distress. Try just small doses of magnesium sulfate, then, if you want to get rid of constipation quickly.

7. It can alleviate headaches

Epsom salt can be useful for soothing headaches and even easing migraines. How? Well, the mineral compound can encourage the production of melatonin. And imbalances in the pineal gland — which is responsible for the hormone’s secretion — have been found in those who suffer from migraines. These individuals have typically shown low levels of magnesium, too.

Plus, an Epsom salt bath can also help ease tensions that may have built up in muscles. In particular, tightness in the neck, the shoulders, and the back can all be eased after a good soak. And removing the strain in those areas could go some way to alleviating migraines and headaches.

6. It improves heart health

Doctors often warn of the dangers of consuming too much salt. And that’s for good reason, as high levels of sodium in the diet can lead to health issues such as high blood pressure. The burden this places on the heart can lead to an increased risk of a stroke or even the failure of the organ itself, too. However, Epsom salt could actually help.

Health boost

Epsom salt is sodium-free in its purest form. It’s thought, then, that its effects can relax the arteries and so help blood flow more easily — thereby reducing the chances of clots and sudden heart attacks. Some even claim that the magnesium and sulfate of Epsom salt improve the benefits of insulin, thus reducing some side effects of diabetes.

5. It’s a handy plant fertilizer

It’s not only humans who can feel the benefits of Epsom salt, as the mineral compound can also be used around the home and garden to improve the look and health of plants. In fact, it’s believed that when Epsom salt is added to soil or water, flora will flourish — growing bigger and stronger.

Green fingers

Giving your lawn a sprinkling of Epsom salt may boost its color, too. That’s because the magnesium contained in the substance hinders the yellowing of leaves and grass. Epsom salt can even act as a form of pesticide by keeping insects away.

4. It can repel slugs

Epsom salt can also be used as a slug deterrent. Simply encircle your plants with the compound. That way, you’ll have created a blockade of sorts that the slimy critters won’t cross. The salt can be applied to patios and porches to stop slugs from getting into the house as well.

Bug hunt

In addition, Epsom salt can stop any bugs from getting too close. If you suffer an insect bite or sting, just add the salt to water and apply this mix as a paste or lotion to the affected area. The concoction will then be absorbed through the pores in your skin, and the magnesium will ease the irritation.

3. It’s a tip-top bathroom cleaner

Epsom salt makes cleaning the bathroom a breeze — even when it comes to those tough-to-tackle hard water stains. Simply create a solution of a quarter-cup of liquid dish detergent, half a cup of baking soda, and one cup of Epsom salt. Use this to scrub away on surfaces for a glistening finish.

Tackle dirt

Epsom salt can even be used to tackle dirt and debris that is difficult to remove. The salt grain can help lift mold from tiles and grout, for instance, while a mixture of the substance along with vinegar and dish soap can make a good scrub for the toilet bowl.

2. Use it to clean the washer

Epsom salt is a useful helper in the kitchen, too. After using a solution of hot water, Epsom salt, and white vinegar in your washing machine, the device should be rid of any nasty odors. Stop the cycle halfway through and leave it for 60 minutes to allow the mixture to really work, then run a second, clear cycle to rinse.

Help with the laundry

You can even add a quarter-cup of Epsom salt to your laundry as an alternative to fabric softener. And not only will this help soften your clothes and linen, but it’s also kinder to the environment than using a store-bought product. Mixing the salt with a few drops of essential oil will help your garments smell great, too.

1. Salt the corners of your house

Plenty of people are familiar with the idea of throwing spilled salt over the shoulder for luck. And for centuries, the condiment has been a symbol of good versus evil in religion. Famously, too, good and honest people are often described as being “salt of the earth” types.

In the money

But there’s yet another use for salt that you may just want to try out for yourself. Some believe that sprinkling the substance in the corners of your home will bring wealth, good fortune, and peace. Standing in the center of the room and dusting handfuls of salt around you in a clockwise motion is also thought to rid the area of negative energy.

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