Mar 28, 2021

Image: Full Worm Moon -
The Libra Full Moon today has an alignment of the Sun, Venus, and Chiron according to So the spiritual meaning of Full Moon astrology relates to the healing of broken hearts.
Today's Full Moon is also in a favorable aspect to Saturn. This means it is good for finding a serious, long-term partner, and for getting engaged or married. And it is especially good for financial matters.
Full Moon Astrology
Today's Full Moon at 08° Libra 18′ continues the theme of love from the March 13 New Moon. This is because the Sun and Venus stay within a 3° orb from March 13 to April 6.
Love is even a stronger theme of this Full Moon because there is only half a degree between the Sun and Venus. But love can sometimes hurt with Venus and Chiron opposite the Moon as shown in the chart below. Thankfully, Chiron also heals, especially with some help from the wise teacher Saturn.
Full Moon Meaning
Sun opposite Moon (0°00′) brings your home, family, and intimate relationships into sharper focus for the following two weeks of this Moon phase. Opposing forces such as work versus home, or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.
The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a Full Moon. So use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an impartial and balanced look at your personal relationships. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.
Full Moon Aspects
Moon opposite Venus (0°37′) increases your need for love and affection regardless of the consequences. This could lead to unrequited love, false love, or an unfulfilling relationship. Possessiveness, jealousy, insecurity, and boredom are also possible
If dating, you may have a tendency to lower your standards just to be with someone. Feeling like you cannot cope with being alone means you could miss character flaws that are obvious to others.
If you have a partner, friction may arise due to different moods or needs. And any simmering relationship tensions could be exposed. If your emotional needs are not fulfilled through love, you could seek comfort through food or whatever else releases those feel-good hormones in your brain.
Moon trine Saturn (2°48′) gives the instincts, patience, common sense, and emotional strength and to make important decisions about your home, family, and relationships. It also means you can solve any sensitive or difficult relationship issues caused by the Moon opposite Venus mentioned above. Your memories and dreams will also guide your feelings.
Traditional values and old habits can bring solutions to new problems. This is a good time to visit parents and grandparents and to pay respect to your ancestors. Full Moon March 2021 is also good for consulting a psychologist or past life therapist, and for seeking advice from an elder or wise woman.
Serious Love
Venus sextile Saturn (2°10′) increases your need for companionship. You want to feel loved and valued by someone but it must be serious and true love. With an existing partner, you will seek reassurance and commitment. This is a good Full Moon to get engaged or married or to move in together.
This is also a good Full Moon for finding a new lover. A new relationship would likely be serious and long-term, based on practicalities, or be related to your career. There may be a marked age difference. Any relationship tension caused by the Moon opposite Venus can be resolved through common sense, mutual respect, and understanding.
Wounding and Healing
Minor planet Chiron is conjunct the Sun and Venus, and opposite the Moon. So Full Moon March 2021 will make you consciously aware of a painful karmic wound related to intimate relationships. It could be from a love relationship or your best friend, sister, or mother.
This does not mean you will have your heart broken in the next two weeks. But it does mean you will likely be reminded of past emotional pain and feel very sensitive about it. You may feel that you have been unfairly treated. Fear of rejection or fear of commitment is possible, and you may feel victimized, damaged, or unlovable.
But Chiron trine Saturn helps you understand and learn from painful lessons. You can gain insight and wisdom about relationship dynamics and heal a broken heart, yours or someone else’s.
The Fixed Stars
There are no major fixed stars close enough to the March 28 Full Moon. But the Sun is conjunct a major fixed star in the constellation Pegasus, the winged horse:
08 Aries 18 – Sun
08 Aries 49 – Chiron
08 Aries 56 – Venus
09 Aries 26 – Algenib
Fixed star Algenib on the wing of Pegasus gives a quick temper, bad morals, drink, or bad habits. An excess of heat can result in violence and perhaps misfortune or dishonor. But Algenib also gives a penetrating mind, strong will, determination, an impressive way of speaking, and a gift for oratory.
With Sun (1°08′): Mental disturbances, fevers, and ill health, some danger of accidents. A fighting spirit and a love of learning.
With Venus (0°30′): Generous, proud, quick temper, bad morals, drink or evil habits, favorable for financial affairs.
Today's Full Moon opposite Venus gives a need for companionship but can also highlight the differences between partners. And Chiron exposes painful wounds related to intimate relationships. But the helpful influence of Saturn brings commitment, loyalty, and respect, and helps heal broken hearts.
The influence of the March Full Moon is combined with the idealistic love, compassion, and empathy from the March 13 New Moon. So this is still a good Moon phase for finding your dream lover or adding romance to an existing relationship. But the risk of deception and disappointment remains, so it is important not to over idealize romantic interests.
The Full Moon today astrology should be good for financial matters. Venus on fixed star Algenib is “favorable for financial affairs.” While Venus sextile Saturn is good for business deals, saving money, paying off debt, and in some cases, borrowing money. It is also good for making long-term investments, especially in real-estate, blue-chip stocks, jewelry, and works of art.
The effects of this Full Moon lasts for two weeks up to the April 11 New Moon.
Previous Moon Phase: New Moon March 13, 2021
Next Moon Phase: New Moon April 11, 2021
2021 Moon Phases Calendar
Full Moon Times and Dates
Los Angeles – March 28, 11:48 am
New York – March 28, 2:48 pm
London – March 28, 7:48 pm
Delhi – March 29, 0:18 am
Sydney – March 29, 5:48 am
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