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Full Wolf Moon/Lunar Eclipse – Change & Opportunity

Jan 21, 2019

Image: Lunar Eclipse January 2019 Map -

The Full Moon today, according to, in the first degree of Leo is a total Lunar Eclipse. The Lunar Eclipse astrology is most affected by Uranus. A challenging square aspect to this planet of uncertainty and rebellion brings change but also opportunity. Unexpected events and news are likely to cause anxiety and uncertainty about the future. Life may seem more hectic and fast paced than before.

The Lunar Eclipse falls in an area of the sky with only dim stars. However, brighter stars align with the Sun to give the confidence and courage to accept change. Patience, self-control, adaptability and an open mind will help you and take advantage of the new opportunities that arise from the changing conditions ahead.

Lunar Eclipse Meaning

Like a regular full moon only stronger, a Lunar Eclipse focuses attention on your emotions, intimate relationships, and your home and family. A total Lunar Eclipse has an even strong influence on your private life. Sun opposite Moon qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a Lunar Eclipse. This lets you take an objective and balanced look at your close relationships. Because you will be in touch with your own needs and intentions, you will clearly see any relationship imbalances causing disharmony.

With a total Lunar Eclipse in particular, the blotting out of the Moon represents a resetting of your emotions, clearing away the emotional baggage of the previous six months. The January 31 Lunar Eclipse complements themes found in the January 5 solar eclipse to form an eclipse phase which lasts to the total solar eclipse on July 2, 2019.

Lunar Eclipse Astrology

The total Lunar Eclipse at 00° Leo 51' is conjunct some small fixed stars that are not used in astrology. Moon square Uranus is the major influence which makes this a challenging Lunar Eclipse. Looking at the chart below you will see that Mercury is nearly six degrees from the Sun. This is too wide an orb to have much of an influence on this Lunar Eclipse but Mercury square Uranus will, at just over three and a half degrees orb.

Lunar Eclipse Square Uranus

Moon square Uranus causes rapid mood swings and impulsive reactions. You may feel jumpy and have little patience for anything requiring commitment or focus. If anyone tries to tie you down or forced you to do something you are likely to rebel. Your normal routines may become boring and you could be easily distracted by anything new and shiny. You may have trouble relaxing because of an unsettling feeling or anticipation of something new just around the corner.

This is not a good eclipse for making sudden changes, especially in close relationships. New encounters may meet your need for a thrill but would cause a great deal of upset to your life and have a negative effect on loved ones. You may experience emotional outbursts from friends or family that would need extra patience and sensitivity.

Mercury Square Uranus

Mercury square Uranus can cause nervous tension because of the unsettling feeling mentioned above. You may receive shocking news or experience something unexpected that forces you to change plans. The normal tempo of life increases and you may have an unsettling feeling of always having to catch up. This is not a good eclipse for making plans or attending to detailed paperwork due to lack of concentration. Mishaps are likely in your communications whether in person, in writing or on the internet where misunderstandings could lead to arguments.

On the positive side, you have an increased ability to view things through a different perspective, which can lead to original ideas and breakthroughs. Chance encounters with others are possible, but most new friendships will probably be short-lived. Think twice before making bold statements, and double-check and travel plans. Avoid making spontaneous decisions or agreeing to things on the spur of the moment. So remaining flexible and open-minded is key to dealing with any unexpected events, from your car breaking down to printer jams.

Lunar Eclipse Fixed Stars

Pi Puppis at 00° Leo 35? is a star in the Poop Deck of the Ship Argo Navis. The star has the traditional name Ahadi, which is derived from Arabic for “having much promise”. Argo Constellation gives a strong mind and spirit, prosperity in trade and voyages but is also associated with drowning. It is correlative of events concerning the sea and shipping and of rivers and springs.

The strongest stellar influence comes from the major fixed star Altair at 02°02? Aquarius Sign. This bright pale yellow star in the neck of the Eagle gives a bold, confident, valiant, unyielding, ambitious and liberal nature, great and sudden but ephemeral wealth and a position of command. Altair conjunct Sun gives public honor, notoriety, favors from superiors, many friends and some envious ones who cause trouble through writings, some ill-health and losses, and danger of bites from venomous animals.


Lunar Eclipse January 2019 is opposite Mercury and square Uranus. This signals unexpected events and news that are likely to cause anxiety and uncertainty about the future. So keeping an open mind and staying calm and patient is key to dealing with this erratic and unpredictable energy. Otherwise, impulsive reactions, rapid mood swing and miscommunication could cause panic and chaos.

Although the fixed star conjunct the Sun does not moderate this erratic energy, it does offer help by giving confidence and courage. Self-control and patience will counter a tendency to overreact and argue when faced with stressful situations. So take small steps and be adaptable.

“A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” ~~ Winston Churchill

Previous Moon Phase: Solar Eclipse 5 January 2019

Next Moon Phase: New Moon 4 February 2019

Lunar Eclipse January 2019 Times and Dates

Los Angeles – January 20, 9:16 pm

New York – January 21, 12:16 am

London – January 21, 5:16 am

Delhi – January 21, 10:46 am

Sydney – January 21, 4:16 pm

'Super Blood Wolf Moon', Total Solar Eclipse

A 'Super Blood Wolf Moon' – better known as a total lunar eclipse during a supermoon – will be visible from the U.S. today according to

Most people don't see and experience the most exciting astronomical events not because they don't care, but because they don't make a plan. So here's some advance warning. 2019 will start with a rare 'Super Blood Wolf Moon' eclipse, but it's only the first of many incredible stargazing events in 2019. From eclipses and comets to supermoons and a Transit of Mercury, here's exactly when, where and why to look up at the night sky during 2019.

1 – Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse

When: Today

What a way to start a year of spectacular celestial sights. With Earth between the Sun and Moon, our satellite in its 'full' phase will turn a gorgeous red-orange-copper color for an hour or so during this Total Lunar Eclipse. Totality is at 9:12 p.m. PST on January 20 and 00:12 a.m. EST on January 21 from North America, but do look for the change from partial eclipse to total eclipse over the preceding hour or so. The event goes into reverse afterward. It's visible on the night-side of Earth, which includes South America, the eastern Pacific Ocean, the western Atlantic Ocean, and extreme western Europe. It's also a Supermoon (when the moon is closer to Earth than average, so appears slightly larger), and the last Total Lunar Eclipse visible from the U.S. until May 2021, so enjoy it while you can.

2 – Venus & Jupiter's 'double kiss'

When: Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 22 & Sunday, November 24, 2019

Get up early the next day after the 'Blood Moon' to see a beautiful 'conjunction' – close pairing – of the planets Venus and Jupiter in the pre-dawn sky. They will be just 2.4 degrees apart in the eastern sky. Later in the year on November 24, there's another chance when the two planets appear an even closer 1.4 degrees apart in the western sky just after sunset.

The planets Venus, bottom, and Jupiter, top center, will be unusually close together twice in 2019. (AP Photo/Chuck Burton)ASSOCIATED PRESS

3 – A trio of Supermoons to look forward to

When: Sunday/Monday, January 20/21, Tuesday, February 19, Thursday & March 21

Most folk think the term 'supermoon' applies only to a full moon, but actually, it's all and only about how close the moon is to earth relative to its average distance. There are three supermoons in the first few months of 2019, of which this is the first. Will the full moon look bigger than usual? Probably not much, but catch it as it rises at dusk and it will look impressive pale orange as it appears behind buildings.

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