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Full Strawberry Moon - Break Free

Jun 28, 2018

Image: Full Strawberry Moon - Old Farmer's Almanac

The full moon today according to is at 06° Capricorn 28?. The this month's Full Moon astrology is dominated by a powerful conjunction to Saturn retrograde. During the next two weeks you are likely to feel more serious than usual and experience sadness, guilt, fear, restriction or inhibition.

Today's full moon is also closely conjunct a star that gives initiative and resourcefulness. A positive aspect to Uranus bring opportunities for change and a willingness to break free. These positive factors are not as strong as Saturn retrograde, so you will have to work very hard to make the changes in your life you want or need.


A full moon occurs when the Sun is opposite the Moon. This highlights opposing forces or polarities in your life such as your work versus home, or what you need versus what you want. Inner tension and external pressures can lead to personal conflict and crises that drain your energy. Your home, family and intimate relationships comes into sharper focus following a full moon.

The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon. Use you increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an impartial and balanced look at your personal relationships. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.

A full moon has a relationship to the previous new moon. Your June 13 new moon goals can now be fine-tuned or completed, it is harvest time. You can make emotional adjustments in response to those new goals. The full moon effect lasts for two weeks up to the July 12 Solar Eclipse.


Today's full moon at 06° Capricorn 28? aligns with Saturn by less than one degree. The most challenging nature of Saturn will be on display for the next two weeks because this conjunction is so tight and Saturn is retrograde.

Moon conjunct Saturn adds seriousness to your emotions and can lead to distance in your intimate relationships. You may have to deal with some challenging situations and negative attitudes which will feel worse than they actually are. These hindrances and restrictions will apply mainly to your home and family life. Some drama involving your home, parents, children or your partner will be very trying on your emotions and can lead to feelings of rejection and depression.

Women in particular may be the source of this sadness, or be subject to some hardship. Self-discipline and emotional maturity are called for, and feelings of guilt about past behaviors need to be overcome. Exposing emotional vulnerabilities and opening up to loved ones will enable the nurturing and closer bonding required to overcome the problem.

Saturn retrograde is a time of limitation, restriction, anxiety and fear. You may be tested to make sure you are ready to take on extra responsibility. The lessons you learn might be hard but they will be valuable. Perhaps negative behaviors such as sadness or shyness have gotten out of control. If so, the full moon offers a chance to recognize and admit the problem. Things may get so out of control that an intervention or some drastic event must occur to shake you out of your depression or isolation.


Moon trine Uranus is a weak influence because of its wide orb of 4°33?. However, if you make a conscious effort, you will be able to bring change and excitement to your life with a minimum of upset and chaos. Trust your intuition and allow the impulsive nature of Uranus to free you of the over-cautious nature of Saturn.

Chance encounters are possible and you may be attracted to unusual types of people or those from different ethnic or cultural backgrounds. Uranus brings the chance of new relationships and Saturn retrograde means they would likely be karmic encounters or past life contacts. This blend of old and new can signal the beginning of a lasting relationship. It could also breathe new life into a relationship that has become too boring and routine.

If you are in an unhealthy relationship you may find an opportunity to break free. But remember the relative weakness of this aspect means you have to really want change and be ready to work hard for it. Similarly, you could use this full moon to break bad habits, overcome phobias or depression, or remove yourself from a negative environment.

Fixed star Kaus Borealis at 06° Capricorn 34? will also help you break free. It gives initiative and resourcefulness, an active mind and sense of justice. It helps in the promotion of idealistic and humane ideas. Dr. Eric Morse [1] says this star conveys a sense of strength and flexibility combined, allowing you to put great force behind your reasoning while still being somewhat flexible.


Saturn retrograde so close to this month's Full Moon will make you feel sad, guilty, hesitant, fearful, restricted or confined. Relationship problems, cold emotions, negative behavior patterns and bad habits could make your life more difficult. But at the same time you will want to break free of such limiting factors.

A positive fixed star is even closer to the full moon which gives the initiative and resources to make the changes you want. A positive aspect to Uranus also bring opportunity and the desire for positive change. However, the relative weakness of Uranus and the fixed star compared to the restrictive, inhibiting powers of Saturn retrograde means you will have to show great will power and determination to force through the change you want or need.

Working in your advantage is the previous new moon which also lasts for another two weeks up to the July 12 Solar Eclipse. The June 2018 New Moon continues to bring good fortune and protection to yourself and your loved ones. It is a sign of good fortune and lasting happiness.

If the Full Moon astrology chart directly impacts your horoscope decan you can read about it in your monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart see full moon transits.

June’s Full Moon is the Strawberry Moon as these little red berries ripen at this time. Other names are Planting Moon, Hot Moon, Mead Moon, and Rose Moon, Green Corn Moon, Full Leaf Moon, Mead Moon, Horse Moon, Dyan Moon, Lotus Moon.

Previous Moon Phase: New Moon 13 June 2018
Next Moon Phase: Solar Eclipse 12 July 2018

Full Moon June 2018 Times and Dates
New York – June 28, 12:52 am
Los Angeles – June 27, 9:52 pm
London – June 28, 5:52 am
Delhi – June 28, 10:22 am
Sydney – June 28, 2:52 pm

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