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Full Strawberry Moon

Jun 20, 2016

The Algonquin tribes knew this Moon as a time to gather ripening strawberries. This name was universal to every Algonquin tribe. However, in Europe they called it the Rose Moon. Also because the relatively short season for harvesting strawberries comes each year during the month of June . . . so the full Moon that occurs during that month was christened for the strawberry! It is also known as the Hot Moon.

The Full Moon on June 20, 2016 at 11:03 GMT falls in the optimistic and buoyant sign sign of Sagittarius. This Full Moon, according to, brings events and situations to a culmination from the start of its cycle at the New Moon two weeks ago. What intentions did you send to Spirit during the New Moon time?

New Moons and Full Moons are cosmic portals which pierce through the veil of time and space allowing us to expand our perception beyond the constraints of material 3D reality. The three days prior and three days after a Full Moon are especially potent times for releasing physical, mental and emotional blockages.

Sagittarius is a fire sign and symbolizes Man’s spontaneous quest for knowledge; the spirit of Prometheus stealing fire from the gods in order to enlighten humanity. The sign Sagittarius governs our personal belief systems, our philosophy of life, our spiritual search for the meaning of life…..How do we perceive God and/ or the “God particle”? Is there life on Mars? If so, do they have “souls”?

During any Full Moon, the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs. This month, Sun is in the Air sign, Gemini, and the Moon is in the Fire, sign, Sagittarius. The Fire/Air polarity has a tendency to “speak first and think later”, but this could also trigger the response for a much needed action. Sagittarius tends to be optimistic, adventurous, and good humored most of the time, but can become a vehement opponent when personal beliefs, political beliefs, and religious beliefs are at stake. Sagittarius asks: “Can you walk your talk without forcing others to see it your way?” The shadow side of Sagittarius is fanaticism and dogma.

All this intense planetary energy focused around such an expansive Full Moon makes it perfect for a celebration: gather friends together and have a fire ceremony (bon-fire); share experiences of other cultures and faraway places. This is a great night to deepen wisdom though meditation, chanting, and prayer. Have your group “moon-gaze” under the vast ocean of stars above us. This is the time to step up to the plate not just as a global, but as a “cosmic citizen”.

Once again, remember what you asked to have “seeded” into action on the Gemini New Moon. The Full Moon usually bears results.

07:02 AM EDT
06:02 AM CDT
05:02 AM MDT
04:02 AM PDT
12:02 PM GMT/BST

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