Feb 16, 2022

Image: The Hunger Moon – earthmoonandstars.com
The Full Moon is at 27º Leo 59’, Decan 3. Aspect: Square Ceres/North Node. Fixed Star: Alfard In Hydra the Watersnake. Tarot Card: 7 of Wands. Healing Crystal: Carnelian according to darkstarastrology.com
This Full Moon is known as the hunger Moon. Traditionally food stores for the winter would be running low at this time. For some places there may be transport issues and they will be feeling the bite. In some places they will feel the bite of frost too as this Moon is also known as the snow or storm Moon. Weather can be fierce in the more northern territories.
This post Valentine’s day Full Moon triggers fixed star Algol and its date with the nodes. At the same time Ceres trine Pluto makes for the powerful striking back of Mother Nature and natural law to those who would suppress the natural light of human beings! We also have a beautiful Venus conjunction Mars which perfects on this day!
While the Full Moon aspect configuration is quite lovely, the fixed star stinks! We must remember however that we are talking about the collective here. The shady Moon often makes the fixed star interpretation more negative than it needs to be. In a personal chart this will describe your challenges in life. As a collective we really are facing these difficulties currently. The “tragic mother figure” could be read as the nanny state. Ceres also can be the dark devouring mother. “The safety of the homeland is as risk” says Brady. Er.. yep!
ALFARD WITH MOON 27º ~ “ lust, wantonness, profligacy, failure in projects but financial help often from a relative, ill-fortune to wife or mother, eventual disgrace and ruin, danger of death by asphyxiation.” . “difficulties with receiving love and nurturing, a tragic mother figure. A ruthless attitude to life, a passion for one’s own pursuits. A period when the safety of the home or homeland is at risk.”
The good points about Alfard is its ability to sing. Alfard 27º is found in the neck of the Hydra the watersnake. Like Unukalhai in the neck of Serpens, there are a good few singers with this fixed star.
Generally Alfard “gives wisdom, musical and artistic appreciation, knowledge of human nature, strong passions, lack of self-control, immorality, revolting deeds…” ? Oh dear and it was going so well!
It’s that venomous snake problem again. If you are touched by this Full Moon you might find your self ultra sensitive to poisons, so keep away from intoxicants. Another price Leo decan 3 has to pay if they want to maintain their authority is to keep their sobriety (You hear that Boris?). They must demonstrate purity and virtue, or risk losing their high status if they spew out a drug/drink-induced rant.
The Full Moon is in the solar/horoscopic 1st house for LEO, 2nd house for CANCER, 3rd House for GEMINI, 4th house for TAURUS, 5th house for ARIES, 6th house for PISCES, 7th house for AQUARIUS, 8th house for CAPRICORN, 9th house for SAGITTARIUS, 10th house for SCORPIO, 11th house for LIBRA, 12th house for VIRGO. Read your monthly horoscopes for the more detailed meanings.
Moon In Leo Decan 3
Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, Eva Peron, Mohandas Gandhi, Benjamin Disraeli, Prince Phillip, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad…… These folk all have their Moon in Leo decan 3! The leadership qualities of this Leo Full Moon are plain to see. These natives (Love them or hate them) make formidable commanders in times of war when life or death decisions need to be made quickly. The Moon adds a nurturing touch, but we still get tough-love.
That means the collective will have to risk making short-term, austerity measures for the sake of long-term prosperity. Moon Leo 3 is not the type of energy to sugar-coat for the sake of popularity. In a sign that seems so ego-driven, it is surprising perhaps that some of those examples were more about helping others than themselves. It depends on how evolved we are with handling these intense medicine (The venom), at a lower vibe this Leo Full Moon can bring out a ruthless drive and tyrannical tendencies.
Full Moon Astrology
This is a tough and belligerent placement that becomes more forceful with age. So if any leaders rub up the people up the wrong way, they are still admired for their great courage.
Trailblazers will come to the fore and will do whatever it takes to protect their people. The roaring lioness who protects her cubs is the most obvious symbol of Leo decan 3 (Regulus used to live here but it has since migrated to Virgo decan 1.)
So yes at the mundane level, this is the great patriot willing to die for their country. It is certainly best to keep this sort of energy as a friend and not an enemy!
Loyalty is their number one demand, so woe betide you if you betray them (especially with Alfard!) At worst, Moon Leo 3 suffers greatly if they stoop to revenge, and they won’t care who else they bring down with them. So watch out for public figures who are cornered when their treasonous activities come out, they will throw everyone around them under the bus!
The tarot card associated with this decan is the seven of wands. This is a card of giving it your all and of competitiveness. The keywords certainly fit well with our Mars ruled Leo decan 3. “Rivalry, Competition, Territory, Maintaining Power/Control, Staying at The Top, Resolve, Leader, Power, Control, Principles, Taking The Higher Ground, Holding Your Own, Strong Personality, Assertive, Being Certain/Convinced, Being Forceful… Defensive/Aggressive, Under Attack, Fighting…” Interestingly even gossip is in there which can be a theme here with the poison that flies out of Alfard’s neck.
Healing Crystal ~ Carnelian
Carnelian is a great detoxing stone and will help with Alfard’s venom! “Carnelian is a stabilizing crystal, perfect for anchoring in the present. Its high energy helps restore lost vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity for new pursuits.
It improves concentration and removes extraneous thoughts in daydreamers, and during meditation. This stone also protects against envy, rage, and resentment – yours, or from others, and encourages a love of life. It is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind, helping you to trust yourself and your perceptions.”
“Carnelian is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. It helps in trusting yourself and your perceptions. It overcomes negative conditioning and encourages steadfastness. Carnelian improves analytic abilities and clarifies. It sharpens concentration and dispels mental lethargy. Calms anger and banishes emotional negativity.” ~ charmsoflight.com
Full Moon Summary
Love really can conquer all, but most of all HEAL. No matter how much Pluto tries to enslave humanity and keep them trapped in his underworld, some trickster will always find their way down into his caverns and rescue Persephone. (Ceres) That’s probably what the Full Moon chart shows anyway! Mercury is trine Ceres too. The trickster (Joe Rogan?) can help her. ?
Use the Carnelian crystal to detox Alfard’s venom. Meditate on standing your ground with the 7 of wands. This Moon resonates with leadership, defiance, a fiercely passionate heart and courage against all odds. There is a strong theme of David and Goliath too. If your heart is in a good place you could move mountains at this Full Moon.
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