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Full Cold Moon ~ Rollercoaster Lives

Dec 12, 2019

Image: Roller coaster riders -

The Full Moon falls at 19º Gemini 51' according to The Moon is quincunx Saturn. Full Moon healing crystal is the Snowflake Obsidian. Fixed Star is Hoedus II in constellation Auriga. Full Moon tarot card is the 8 Of Wands

The full moon astrology is often torn between parental duties and its passions. The passions can be career, life-calling or simply uncontrollable pleasure-seeking. There is also the problem of wanting to be everything to everyone and spreading itself too thin. There are a myriad of possibilities with this position. The most negative manifestation of this position can be the archetypical narcissistic parent who doesn’t have a nurturing or protective bone in their body. They may well have many children, however, but this is just so they can have a troop of adoring mini-me’s to follow them around. It conjures up the image of Cybele with her entourage. Cybele also travelled on the back of a chariot too, which echoes the presence of constellation Auriga the chariot here.

In the Asteroid Cybele post, the ‘Mommy Dearest’ archetype of Joan Crawford , who adopted 5 children but was very strict and controlling of them is described. The Moon here swings between being very hard-working, to going completely debauched when the wound-up coil is released. On the opposite side of the maternal spectrum are those parents who run themselves ragged for their whole family out of a sense of guilt. Then there are those that are the ones trying to be a super parent, who try to hold down a high powered career with a demanding family. Speed can become a drug and these folks can get used to the adrenal buzz from their roller-coaster lives. Mainly though, Moon Gemini 2 tend to have creative children rather than biological. They will also tend to smother/mother their friends, employees or co-workers.

Full Moon Fixed Star ~ Hoedus II

Hoedus II is found in the constellation Auriga. The constellation is represented in the sky as a charioteer carrying a mother goat nursing two baby goats in his lap. Diana K Rosenberg interestingly suggests in her findings that the Chariot could also symbolise a wheelchair. She points out Erichthonuis the charioteer was actually half human/half snake and could not walk. In her book, she depicts Auriga as a war veteran in a wheelchair (Still carrying the goat family).

Auriga can be a single parent, juggling work while bringing up a family. Gemini decan 2 is often accused of having an issue with emasculation due to their love of fast cars and fast women… I can be seen as overcompensation. If Auriga stars describe a male single parent, then he could feel his manhood is compromised by having to play mummy. In reality, a parent of either sex may have to rein in their desires for the sake of their children.

These desires are represented by the two kid goats Hoedus I & II. These twin stars have a dubious reputation according to George Noonan when rising “ indicates a native who may be petulant and lascivious, one who is said to be involved in depraved and vicious desires.” Generally, however, this constellation gives happiness, confidence, a desire to address social problems and great interest in the education of children.

Since Erichthonuis was abandoned by his mother (His serpent bottom half disgusted her) and brought up by Pallas Athena, I think adopting handicapped or disadvantaged children may be an attribute of Gemini decan 2. The subject themselves may feel ugly, deformed and rejected as some kind of a freak.

Full Moon ~ Tarot Card

new moon june 2019 The tarot card associated with this decan is the 9 of swords as stated in the previous decan, unfortunately, the air signs are stuck with the swords suit as representing them so the imagery is not going to be so positive. We must remember that these cards must be read slightly differently when associated with the decans as they will show the lessons learnt in other lifetimes and karma that may have already been paid back. This is the most karmic of all the decans, where the past has accrued many paybacks and unfinished business with relationships.

Its divinatory meaning: “Your past may have caught up with you or something you thought dealt with, done and dusted, has reared its ugly head and resurfaced once more bringing all its unpleasantness with it. This may be on a physical level but more than likely a return of some inner-demons or past nightmare, which has thrown your mental equilibrium out of balance. Something from your past may have come back to haunt you.” ~ Teach Me Tarot.

I take this card to mean that natural law will come back to bite you in the foot if you try to mess too much with nature and play god. But those who do work with nature will be spared the nightmarish scenario seen on this card.

Full Moon Healing Crystal ~ Snowflake Obsidian

snowflake obsidian“The healing energies of this stone will help you achieve a balance in your body, mind, and spirit. Whatever is causing you fear, pain, or worry will be removed. It will calm and soothe you. It will reassure you that there’s no need to feel afraid when you know that you will always get the support that you need. It’s also a stone that is associated with divine guides and guardian spirits. The Snowflake Obsidian is a reminder that they are just watching over you and pulling you close in a warm and protective embrace.” ~ crystals&

In general, Obsidian is a very grounding and protective stone. It is used as a great cleanser of negative energies, helping to remove not only negativity experienced in the environment, but also that of one’s own emotions, such as anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, etc. Obsidian is often used for healing and releasing energy blockages, and has a tendency to work quickly to move truths to the surface to be resolved.” ~

The 2nd Face Of Gemini

“A man whose face is like an eagle and his head is covered with linen cloth; he is clothed and protected by a coat of leaden mail, and on his head is iron helmet above which is a silk crown, and in his hand he has a bow and arrows. This is a face of oppression, evils and subtlety.” ~ Picatrix

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