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Fertility Goddess Day

Mar 18, 2018

Coatlicue, Aztec goddess of fertility,
life, death and rebirth - Wikipedia

Considering this month is suffused by the essence of the Wee Folk, Leprechauns and Fairies, it seems only natural to go a step further and look into the various civilizations who, on this Fertility Goddess Day, according to Wikipedia, had a variety of deities involved in love and procreation.
A fertility deity is a god or goddess associated with sex, fertility, pregnancy, and childbirth. In some cases these deities are directly associated with these experiences; in others they are more abstract symbols. Fertility rites may accompany their worship. The following is a list of fertility deities.


Ala, Igbo goddess of fertility
Asase Ya, Ashanti earth goddess of fertility
Denka, Dinka god of the sky, rain and fertility
Mbaba Mwana Waresa, Zulu goddess of fertility, rainbows, agriculture, rain and beer

Ancient Egyptian
Min, ancient Egyptian god of fertility and lettuce

Amun, creator-god, associated with fertility
Bastet, cat goddess sometimes associated with fertility
Bes, household protector god associated with music, dance, and sexual pleasure
Hathor, goddess who personified the principles of love, motherhood and joy
Heqet, frog-goddess of fertility
Heryshaf, god of creation and fertility
Isis, goddess of motherhood, magic and fertility
Mesenet, goddess of childbirth
Min, god of fertility, reproduction, and lettuce
Osiris, god of the afterlife, the dead, and the underworld agency that granted all life, including sprouting vegetation and the fertile flooding of the Nile River
Renenutet, goddess of the true name, the harvest and fertile fields
Sobek, god of the river, warfare and fertility
Sopdet, goddess of the fertility of the soil
Tawaret, goddess of fertility and childbirth
Tefnut, goddess of water and fertility
Qetesh, goddess of sacred ecstasy and sexual pleasure

All?t or al-L?t, fertility goddess associated with the earth
Al-‘Uzzá, a goddess worshipped at a stone cube at a?-??’if and Mecca.

Anahit, goddess of fertility, birth, beauty and water
Aramazd, creator-god and source of the Earth's fertility

Tonacatecuhtli, god of sustenance (fertility).
Tonacacihuatl, goddess of sustenance (fertility).
Coatlicue, goddess of fertility, life, death and rebirth.
Chimalma, goddess of fertility, life, death and rebirth.
Xochitlicue, goddess of fertility, life, death and rebirth.
Xochipilli, god of love, art, games, beauty, dance, flowers, maize, fertility, and song.
Xochiquetzal, goddess of fertility, beauty, female sexual power, protection of young mothers, pregnancy, childbirth, and women's crafts.
Toci, is the "Mother of the Men", see Temazcalteci
Temazcalteci, goddess of maternity (fertility).

Laima, goddess of luck and fate, associated with childbirth, pregnancy, marriage, and death
Saul?, solar goddess of life and fertility, warmth and health

Ba?al, storm god responsible for earthly fertility
Hadad, the later Aramaean form of Ba?al
Tanit, consort of Ba?al Hammon at Carthage

Jiutian Xuannü, a fertility goddess as well as a deity of war, sex, and long life [4]
In Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia
Sowathara, A female figure as symbol of the fertile earth.

Brigid, Irish goddess associated with fertility
Cernunnos, horned god associated with fertility
Damara, fertility goddess worshipped in Britain
Damona, Gaulish fertility goddess
Epona, goddess of horses and fertility
Hooded Spirits, a group of deities theorised to be fertility spirits
Nantosuelta, goddess of nature, the earth, fire, and fertility
Onuava, goddess of fertility
Rosmerta, Gallo-Roman goddess of fertility and abundance

(Note: Catholicism is a monotheistic religion, and as such, saints are not considered deities.)
St. Anne, patron saint of pregnancy and mothers

St. Catherine of Sweden, patron saint of protection against abortion and miscarriage
St. Gerard Majella, patron saint of childbirth, motherhood, children and mothers (unborn children and expecting mothers in particular)
St. Margaret the Virgin, patron saint of childbirth and pregnant women
Phallic saints, a group of saints invoked for fertility
St. Raymond Nonnatus, patron saint of childbirth, midwives, children, and pregnant women
Theotokos, Mary, Mother of God, Mother of Jesus

Fufluns, god of plant life, happiness and health and growth in all things
Thesan, goddess of the dawn, associated with the generation of life
Turan, goddess of love, fertility and vitality

Äkräs, god of fertility
Rauni, goddess of fertility

Nerthus, earth goddess associated with fertility
Freyr, a fertility god.
Freyja, a goddess of fertility, and sister of the above god.
?ostre, fertility goddess, and origin of the Easter holiday

Aphaea, local goddess associated with fertility and the agricultural cycle
Aphrodite, goddess of love, beauty and sexuality
Aphroditus, god of male and female unity, the moon and fertility
Artemis, goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, virginity, fertility, young girls and health and disease in women
Cybele, Phrygian Earth Mother goddess who embodies the fertile earth
Demeter, goddess of agriculture and the fertility of the earth
Dionysus, god of wine and festivity, associated with fertility
Eros, god of sexual love, fertility and beauty
Priapus, Greek god of fertility, gardens and male genitalia

Gaia, Earth Mother and goddess of the fertile earth
Hera, goddess of the air, marriage, women, women's fertility, childbirth, heirs, kings and empires
Ilithyia, (also called Eileithyia) goddess of childbirth and midwifery, likely of Minoan or earlier origin.
Pan, god of shepherds, flocks, mountain wilds, hunting and rustic music; associated with fertility
Phanes, primeval deity of procreation and the generation of new life
Priapus, rustic god of fertility, protection of livestock, fruit plants, gardens and male genitalia
Rhea, goddess of fertility, motherhood and the mountain wilds
Tychon, a daemon imagined as a boy

Haumea, goddess of fertility, childbirth, and incest
Kamapua'a, demi-god of fertility
Laka, patron of the hula dance and god of fertility
Lono, god associated with fertility, agriculture, rainfall, and music
Nuakea, goddess of lactation


Aditi, goddess of space, consciousness, the past, the future, and fertility
Banka-Mundi, goddess of the hunt and fertility
Bh?mi, goddess of the earth and the fertility form of Lakshmi
Chandra, lunar god associated with fertility
Lajja Gauri, goddess associated with abundance and fertility
Manasa, snake goddess associated with fertility and prosperity
Matrikas, a group of 7 - 16 goddesses who are associated with fertility and motherly power.
Parvati, goddess associated with fertility, marital felicity, devotion to the spouse, asceticism, and power
Sinivali, goddess associated with fecundity and easy birth.

Hutellurra, Irsirra, and Tawara, goddesses of midwifery and nursing children
Nikkal, goddess of fruits
Shaushka, goddess of fertility, war and healing

Nikkal, goddess of fruits

Mama Killa, the goddess of the moon, the menstrual cycle, and a protector of women
Mama Ocllo, mother goddess, associated with fertility
Sara Mama, goddess of grain
Pacha Kamaq, Creator of the World
Pachamama, fertility goddess who presides over planting and harvesting and causes earthquakes

Indigenous Australian
Anjea, goddess or spirit of fertility
Birrahgnooloo, Kamilaroi goddess of fertility
Dilga, Karadjeri goddess of fertility and growth
Julunggul, Yolgnu rainbow snake goddess associated with fertility, initiation, rebirth and the weather
Kunapipi, mother goddess and the patron deity of many heroes
Ungud, snake god or goddess associated with rainbows and the fertility and erections of the tribe's shaman
Wollunqua, snake god of rain and fertility

Akna, goddess of fertility and childbirth
Pukkeenegak, goddess of children, pregnancy, childbirth and the making of clothes

Kichij?ten, goddess of happiness, fertility, and beauty
Inari ?kami, goddess of fertility, rice, agriculture, foxes, industry

Akna, goddess of motherhood and childbirth
Ixchel, jaguar goddess of midwifery and medicine
Inanna, Sumerian goddess of sexual love, fertility and warfare

Ama-arhus, Akkadian fertility goddess
Amasagnul, Akkadian fertility goddess
Gatumdag, Sumerian fertility goddess and tutelary mother goddess of Lagash
Inanna, Sumerian goddess of love, fertility, and warfare
Ishtar, Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of fertility, love, war and sexuality
Nanshe, Sumerian goddess of social justice, prophecy, fertility and fishing
Ningal, Sumerian mother goddess
Nin-imma, goddess of the female sex organs
Sharra Itu, Sumerian fertility goddess

Chaquén, god of sports and fertility in the religion of the Muisca

Native American
Atahensic, Iroquois goddess associated with marriage, childbirth, and feminine endeavors
Kokopelli, Hopi trickster god associated with fertility, childbirth and agriculture
Hanhepi Wi, Lakota goddess associated with the moon, motherhood, family and femininity

Freyja, goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, gold. Also a war/death goddess. Taught Odin seiðr magic.
Freyr, god associated with farming, weather and fertility
Frigg, goddess associated with prophecy, marriage and childbirth
Gefjun, goddess of ploughing and possibly fertility
Odin The allfather. God of war, wisdom and seiðr (magic)
Thor, god associated with thunder, lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, the protection of mankind.

Gedi (mythology), Fijian god of fertility, who taught mankind the use of fire
Makemake, Rapa Nui creator-god, associated with fertility
Tagroa Siria, Fijian god associated with fertility
Tangaroa, Rarotongan god of the sea and creation, associated with fertility

Anahita, goddess of fertility, healing and wisdom

Bona Dea, goddess of fertility, healing, virginity, and women
Candelifera, goddess of childbirth
Carmenta, goddess of childbirth and prophecy
Ceres, goddess of agriculture, grain crops, fertility and motherly relationships; equated with the Greek goddess Demeter
Diana, goddess of the hunt, wilderness, the moon and childbirth; equivalent to the Greek Artemis
*Domidicus, the god who leads the bride home
*Domitius, the god who installs the bride
Fascinus, embodiment of the divine phallus
Fecunditas, goddess of fertility
Feronia, goddess associated with fertility and abundance
Flora, goddess of flowers and spring
Inuus, god of sexual intercourse
*Jugatinus, the god who joins the pair in marriage
Juno, goddess of marriage and childbirth; equivalent to the Greek goddess Hera
Liber, god of viniculture, wine and male fertility, equivalent to Greek Dionysus; in archaic Lavinium, a phallic deity
Libera, goddess of female fertility and the earth
Lucina, goddess of childbirth
Mars, god initially associated with fertility and vegetation, but later associated with warfare and the Greek god Ares
*Manturna, the goddess who kept the bride at home
Mutunus Tutunus, phallic marriage deity associated with the Greek god Priapus
Ops, fertility and earth-goddess
Partula, goddess of childbirth, who determined the duration of each pregnancy
*Pertuda, goddess who enables penetration
Venus, Roman goddess of love, beauty and fertility

Picumnus, god of fertility, agriculture, matrimony, infants and children
*Prema, goddess who holds the bride down on the bed
Robigus, fertility god who protects crops against disease
*Subigus, the god who subdues the bride to the husband's will
Terra, earth goddess associated with marriage, motherhood, pregnant women, and pregnant animals; equivalent to the Greek Gaia
Venus, goddess of love, beauty and fertility, equivalent to the Greek goddess Aphrodite
*Virginiensis, the goddess who unties the girdle of the bride
* These 8 gods/goddesses consummate marriage and some of them are listed in the Indigitamenta


Beiwe, goddess of fertility and sanity
Rana Niejta, goddess of spring and fertility

Dzydzilelya, Polish goddess of love, marriage, sexuality and fertility
Jarilo, god of fertility, spring, the harvest and war
Kostroma, goddess of fertility
Radegast, West Slavic god of hospitality, fertility, and crops, associated with war and the sun
Siebog, god of love and marriage
Svetovid, god of war, fertility and abundance
Zeme, goddess of the earth, associated with fertility
Živa, goddess of love and fertility

Atabey (goddess), mother goddess of fresh waters and fertility (of people).
Yúcahu, masculine spirit of fertility (of crops such as Yucca) along with his mother Atabey who was his feminine counterpart.

Umay, goddess of fertility and virginity

Asherah, Queen of Heaven
Nikkal, Great Lady and Fruitful

Ayida-Weddo, loa of fertility, rainbows and snakes
Guédé, family of spirits that embody the powers of death and fertility

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