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February Birth Flowers

Feb 3, 2018

Everyone knows that they have a specific birthstone that is placed in jewelry and trinkets to signify the month they were born in according to However, many people don't know that just like the stones, each month has a flower or two as well, which symbolizes birth. Here is the history and meaning behind your birth flowers, the violet, primrose and iris.

The Violet, with the botanic name of Viola, is a flowering plant with heart shaped leaves that often has a purple color to it. Violets are generally found and grown in the Northern Hemisphere of the world, but can also be found in Hawaii and the Andes.
The Violet has five petals total. One petal is on the bottom of the Violet, pointing downward, while the other four and positioned two on each side with an upward sweep to them. Different species of violets also have different shapes to their petals, which is one way scientists can tell them apart.

While Violets originated in a purple color, hence their name, they can also be found in a variety of colors including blue, yellow and white. Sometimes you will find multi-colored violets as well. Violet plants s will flower in large amounts throughout the spring and summer.

Most people believe Violets have no scent, however this is not accurate. A major component of the Violets scent is ketone which actually desensitizes the nasal receptors making it temporarily impossible to smell anything.

Fun and interesting fact: Violets are used in many countries and cultures as decorations to go on plates with food. They are also used in stuffing's for poultry and fish. You can actually eat this flower either raw or cooked, and you will often find the flavor of a Violet in a soufflé or desert. In France they still pour hot syrup on Violets and mix them up until the syrup dries and the sugar crystallizes over the Violet. These are used for decorating or as a special treat in an aromatic dessert.

The Primrose has the botanic name of Primula vulgaris and is a low to the ground herb that flowers and is found mainly in western and southern Europe including the British Isles. It is also known as the Common Primrose and the English Primrose. It is one of the earliest spring flowers to bloom, and when left alone can quickly cover the ground in open woods and forests.

People love this light yellowish flower so much, that in populated areas it is now illegal to pick or remove the flower without permission from the property owner. It is now hard to find natural displays of Primrose in abundance because of all the collecting that has been done by residents and tourists looking for this flower.

The Primrose is a relatively small flower, generally 25-40mm across and is normally found in a light yellow, almost white hue, with a bright yellow center. However, in some areas wild pink Primrose can be found growing, and as with the Carnation, cultivators have created Primrose in various other colors.

Fun and interesting fact: The Primrose League was given its' name because the 1st Earl of Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, preferred the Primrose flower to all other species of flow

Even though the month of February is often cold and gray, Valentine’s Day makes it one of the most romantic months of the year. Because Iris is the symbolic flower of the Greek goddess Iris who was also the messenger of love, it seems fitting that the elegant iris is the birthday flower of February.

Traditionally, iris symbolize eloquence, faith, wisdom and hope, much as February carries with it the promise that spring will soon return. In Greek, iris means “rainbow” and the plant’s name probably reflects the fact that irises are grown in many colors, including blue and purple, white and yellow, pink and orange, brown and red, and even black.

Irises are among the best-known and loved garden plants (technically herbaceous perennials) around. There are 260 species of iris growing from either a creeping rhizome (a horizontal underground stem) or from an individual bulb, like tulips, daffodils and hyacinths. You can grow iris in roomy pots with good drainage and they grow best indoors on a sunny windowsill.

History - The iris has been a treasured flower since ancient times, often appearing in Egyptian works of art dating as far back as the 28th Egyptian Dynasty around 400 BC. In fact, a flower carved into the Sphinx of Giza in Egypt is believed to be an iris.

Colors and Symbolism - In Greek mythology, the goddess Iris used the rainbow as her personal highway as she traveled from place to place delivering messages of love. Because of this, the iris flower is also considered the symbol of eloquence, communication and messages.

Here are some of the symbolic meanings of different flower colors:
Purple iris denote wisdom and compliments.
Blue iris symbolize faith and hope.
Yellow iris stand for passion.
White iris symbolize purity.

Fun Facts about Iris - In ancient times, iris roots were used in perfumes and as folk medicine remedies.

The juice of iris roots has been used as a cosmetic to remove freckles.

Fresh iris germanica root is a powerful cathartic and has been used to clear excess water from the body.

Dried iris root was felt to be good for coughs and sore throats, but is now treasured more for its violet-like aroma.

Image: wikipedia images

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