Mar 1, 2023

Everyone has an inner child. Your inner child has been a part of you since you were conceived and will remain a part of you throughout your entire life.
Your inner child is full of knowledge gained through experience – such as positive memories, good experiences as well as childhood fears, traumas, neglect, or significant loss.
Painful childhood memories such as the rejection of a friend, being yelled at by an adult, playground scuffles and so on often stick with us into our adult years. These memories can hold you stuck; they replay in your mind.
These memories can influence you as an adult. Inner child exercises are a way of accessing your younger self to offer them the comfort and help they needed at the time of the upset or challenge that they faced.
Perhaps you are feeling frustrated with some aspect of your life, it might be that your inner child needs attention. Stuck points can look like difficulties at work, as a parent, maintaining a relationship, or setting boundaries.
Meditation is a fantastic way to access your inner child. As well as:
You need to acknowledge your inner child, remember your inner child is a part of your subconscious mind that has retained childhood memories, so acknowledge this part of yourself. Send this part of you love.
Be kind to yourself - hug yourself daily metaphorically speaking. Allow yourself to feel the pain experienced as a child, let those tears flow, scream or smile if this is how you feel, do this exercise daily. Let your emotions out.
You could try the butterfly hug; this is a method used by trauma therapists (EMDR therapy).
At times when you feel stuck or overwhelmed try and re-call a happy childhood memory, it can be anything such as taking your dog for a walk, visiting grandma or even a day trip somewhere that was fun. Remember this time in detail, recall the weather, sounds, smells and who you were with. Spend time with this memory and recognize the shift in how you are feeling.
Positive affirmations are useful such as “I matter” “I am loved” and so on are also important.
These are just a few ways of helping heal your inner child, there are of course many.
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Natalie x
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