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Crystal Avalon by StarzDragonSpirit - Tigers Eye

Oct 4, 2016

Tigers Eye

Crystal/Stone: Tigers Eye Sign: CapricornNumber: 4

Found in: United States, India, Mexico, South Africa, etc..

I will start off by saying Tigers Eye is also at times called Hawks Eye. It comes in various colors: red, brown, gold, silver, cream, black, blue. Of course each color has its own attributes on top of the basic ones. And, of course there is cats eye and falcons eye, but, they are not the same as tigers eye. The only thing that separates those are the fiber configurations. They all carry a quality of chatoyancy because of the way each reflects the light with their own structures. All of them synthesize the Earth & Suns energies. This stone is exceptional for giving mental clarity and brings organization to thoughts or actions. These stones enhance and help build self-confidence and boldness. All variety of these stones bring good luck and ward off negative energies. As the stones are called“eyes” they help by opening up the third eye, inner visions and assist psychic development. With this vision we can understand the law of cause and effect , based on our decisions, so therefore helping us to make better decisions. This stone changes a negative energy into a positive energy, especially if the negative energy is from a past life, it brings it up for healing. It also is said to help us to see and release karmic attachments and any negative energy or entity that may have attached itself to your aura. Its element is fire, and fire means movement. It has been known and used to promote wealth Being that it is ruled by the Sun when worn it helps to strengthen your convictions. This is a stone that carries a very high vibrational state, but will also help you ground as well. It is a protective stone and use to be carried as talismans. It is greatly known for its integrity and shows the proper use of power. It is a stone though that knows the difference between what you want or wish for , and what you actually need. This stone also assists in healing a low self-esteem, or if one is very self-critical, but it also opens your creativity, so that you can see a window of possibilities. It also balances the emotions as well as the yin/yang energies. It sweeps away depression and helps to lift your moods. Lastly, it is a stone of truth, so if you are ever in doubt, don’t hesitate to ask your stone. Sit quietly with it, you will get an answer. 😊

Starz Dragon Spirit

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