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Crystal Avalon by StarzDragonSpirit - Sunston3

Nov 15, 2016


Crystal/Stone: Sunstone Sign: Libra & Leo Number: 1

Found in: United States, Greece, India, Canada, etc.

Colors: yellow, orange

This is a wonderful stone in many ways, first, it is a stone of faith, those who give of themselves in service to the worlds all living things in it. It is interesting because it’s associated stone is Moonstone, associated with the“Mother, Goddess”. It is a projective stone and its element is fire, which means movement and transformation. Some of its other attributes are: energy, healing, success, love, joy. You can get a real nice piece of this and place a small candle behind it and spread the projective energy throughout your home. It is known to increase sexual energies. Many have forgotten this precious stone, so if you do get a piece of one, treasure it please. It helps us act with grace and kindness, it also helps us“get our of ourselves” so to speak. Sunstone is also known as a stone of joy and happiness, to me, that is a wonderful plus. For those of you that are interested, it is considered to also be an aphrodisiac. This stone also clears and energizes all of the chakras, as well as brightening them. Also, any hooks or implants someone may have put in your energy centers can be removed with this stone, replacing that space with love and positive energy. It helps us overcome fearfulness and nightmares. Sunstone also boosts our courage and self-confidence. It has been said when used while in contact with your own personal guides that the stone puts out a golden glow. This stone is also believed to protect us from destructive energies and keep us in a bubble of assuredness. Again, it is a joyful, light-inspiriting stone. It also boosts the good-nature in all things, it is a sweet stone, it evens raises the level of our intuition as well. It helps us restore and nurture ourselves, it allows our“real selves” to shine through. This stone also has regenerative powers, especially during meditation in our everyday life. It pays close attention to all levels of our emotions, lifting dark moods and assisting with depression. If you are looking for a stone to boost your enthusiasm and optimistic outlook, this is definitely the gem for you. Definitely for mental clarity and again, that self-confidence. It truly is a lovely stone to work with, happy journeying. 😊

Starz Dragon Spirit

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