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Crystal Avalon by StarzDragonSpirit - Sugulite

Sep 20, 2016

Crystal/Stone: SugiliteSign: Virgo Number: 2,3,7

Found in: Japan, South Africa, etc.

Sugilite is a stone of many attributes and wonders, no matter where you do your research the common thread is that it’s one of the major Love Stones that exists. It opens All of the chakras and represents spiritual love and wisdom. It connects the heart, soul and mind. Its element is water which equals emotions, it also represents wisdom, spirituality, astral travel, manifestation and logic. Sugilite is very well known for its high spiritual vibrations. This is a stone that is still fairly new and many people are doing a lot of experimentation and research on it, or should I say with it. It is known to bring about psychic awareness when carried or worn, or any fashion of working with it. It teaches us to live from our own truths, reminds the soul as to why we have incarnated now. This is a wonderful stone for all forms of spiritual journeys as well. This stone also boosts channeling abilities. It is a wonderful stone for sensitive people by helping to release stress. Sugilite encourages us with positive thoughts instead of constantly worrying. The best chakras to place this stone are the heart and the third eye. Sugilite makes it easier for a spiritual person to live on the earth plane. It cushions the earths coldness, and gives us a boost to live in the present instead of living in the past. Whenever the past if sought it should be for one reason, to see what we have learned, and then let go. It balances both the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It is known to represent the perfection of the love of“ All that Is”. By opening all of the chakras it assists the energy of the Kundalini to have free movement. Which gives us energy and a sense of feeling of being lighter and in the flow of things. It helps build our own courage as well as our self-esteem, so that we begin to believe in ourselves and our abilities. It helps free us from any negativity, whether it is thought, action or feeling. I would say this is quite the tool to have in your bag. Get one, and focus on just it, until you get to know it and how it behaves. 😊

Starz Dragon Spirit

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