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Crystal Avalon by StarzDragonSpirit - Rose Quartz

Oct 31, 2016

Crystal/Stone: Rose Quartz Sign: All Number: 4

Found in: United States, South Africa, Brazil, Japan, India, Madagascar, etc..

This crystal is known for its unconditional love and the peace it brings to all of the kingdoms. It IS the crystal for the heart, most importantly for the heart and etheric heart chakras. It gives to us and emits the very essence of true love. It cleanses, purifies and opens the heart on all levels, also teaching us of self-love as well. It is known for romance, so if you are looking for the twin, or companionship, or anything dealing with romance, this is the stone to work with. This crystal brings to us comfort, self-discipline and responsibility. Also, again, this is the crystal of love, tenderness and sensuality. It is a gentle stone, any of us whatever the circumstances, this is the crystal to work with to help us become pliable again. The energy this stone emits is very powerful and it has an aura of magic. Rose Quartz promotes healing the heart and strengthens our self-love, self-esteem, even our self-image. It removes negative energy and strengthens empathy within us as well as sensitivity. This is a wonderful tool to work on the emotions. It helps to release unexpressed emotions, while transmuting emotional conditioning that we no longer need. It helps to release grief and for those of us that think ourselves unlovable it changes those feelings and thoughts. This gem encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance, while giving us self-trust and self-worth. I love this stone, it is a very loving, and deep, very deep stone. It is one that has so very much to offer. I would say definitely this is one for the tool box.
Happy journey.

Starz Dragon Spirit

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