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Crystal Avalon by StarzDragonSpirit - Rhodochrosite

Aug 16, 2016

Crystal/Stone: Rhodochrosite Sign: Leo & Scorpio Number: 4

Found in: South Africa, (Colorado) United States, Argentina, etc..

Rhodochrosite is one of my“top fives”, It’s the second stone I ever bought ( at the age 16, I have been in love with it ever since.) . after I learned about it, I knew exactly why I was drawn it. And to give you just a tid bit, it is the“twin mate” to Emerald. For anyone as an adult still trying to work on“childhood” issues such as PTSD this is the stone for you. It helps to heal and with healing, come forgiveness, which is apart of the process. This stone facilitates that. This stones name is based in the Greek language, and the name of this stone is Rose, so in your mind think of all that we associate with a Rose, and then apply it here. Meditating with this stone helps us to go deep within, to apply solutions to whatever the issue or“root” problem may be. * A note here, if you work on, remove the root, all of the other symptoms or dis-ease will also follow. Anyone working with children, Parents, Teachers, Day Care, etc. this would be a fantastic stone to have on your person. This is a stone that will open blocks, whether Spiritual or a blocked ability. It is a key, a key to open ones purpose in this life, even karmic contracts. Also, anyone, anyone feeling a sense of disconnection with the Goddess and her energy, this stones energy and the Goddess will guide you right back onto the right track with enthusiasm. Its energy is projective and no matter how you try to dodge it, as well as the insights it brings to you, it just isn’t going to happen. Rhodochriosite is a soothing stone, a de-stressing stone. Try placing a nice piece in the bathtub with you and then carry it on your body, pay attention to your energy levels, also your thoughts , your sense of feeling. Again, it brings emotional and physical balance as well as balancing the Yin/Yang energies. Rhodochrosite will show you the path of selfless love and compassion, it is the bottom line to this stone. If you choose to work with it I promise all of a sudden you will have a positive attitude about most if not all things in your lives. This pink stone knows exactly what it is doing at all times. A stone of love, balance and happiness, who of us couldn't use that?. 😊

Starz Dragon Spirit

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