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Crystal Avalon by StarzDragonSpirit - Lolite

Sep 13, 2016


Crystal/Stone: Iolite Libra, Sagittarius, Taurus Number: 3

Found in: Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Brazil, India, etc…

Iolite is primarily used with the third chakra, the third eye. If you are new on the spiritual path this is a great beginning stone, It not only encourages but protects psychic exploration, it is known to guide you through spiritual beginnings and growth. If you are new to learning and opening your chakras it is an excellent stone. It teaches us our ownboundries when it come to the psychic path, which everyone is capable of. Iolite isa stone of vision, hence using it in connection to the third eye. It strengthens the visualization and intuitive paths. While also helping to bring all chakras into alignment, therefore connecting us to our own personal inner knowing. Many people don’t believe they have these gifts, I assure you,focus working on yourself with stone, I think you will change your perception on this. It is also commonly used during Shamanic journeys and helps with astral projection. Iolite will push you to express your true self, regardless of what those around you think. Mentally it also clears, cleans house so to speak. This is a stone that also teaches us that we are responsible for what we learn & know, in other words responsibility in general. Iolite as well strengthens our bodies constitution and may help us to stay away from co-dependent relationships. Interestingly enough, the Vikings used it as a navigational tool. It does enhance our spiritual aspirations. It helps us regain our balance. Anyone suffering from a lack of motivation, or feeling like we don’t have a purpose or if you are distracted easily this is a great stone to use for these things. Funny, it would help Aries be more creative instead of living in a logical box, Pisces will find its colors calming and soothing. This is a stone of opening and expanding as well as strengthening. It also has a charge to it, it will charge our auric fields when we are in contact with it. It is a stone of change, change being on all levels. It is known as a stone of powerful medicine. Maybe tomorrow I will write just a bit more about this wonderful stone, but, I will do as the Guides show me to do. 😊

Starz Dragon Spirit

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