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Crystal Avalon by StarzDragonSpirit - Fluorite

Aug 17, 2016

Crystal/Stone: Fluorite Sign: Pisces, Capricorn Number: 6

Found in: Switzerland, England, Germany, Spain, France, United States, Peru, China, etc..

Fluorite is a very busy helper and in so many ways. It is one of those stones that if you own no stones and not sure where to start, not a whole lot of money, fluorite is definitely the stone to begin with. Fluorite emits tons of energy and is used to bring order to the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. Thank goodness it is a common stone and easily obtained. It comes in several colors, so again, each color has its own attributes, and it is a stone to get excited about. This is a very protective stone especially on the psychic level. If things get to be to much mentally, coming at you from all directions, this stone will hit the stop button so that you can choose what is most important or not so that you know what direction to take, and then proceed forward at the pace you choose. It cleanses and stabilizes the aura as well as the emotions. It will assist you in any type of organization. Fluorite purifies, drawing any negativity from any space or any of your bodies. It can quicken the growth rate of you Spiritual Awakening as well as sharpening the intuitive powers. It may also make us aware of Higher Spiritual truths, and make us more accepting emotionally to these truths. It can over come the chaos in our lives, bring structure to our physical, mental, emotional bodies as well. Fluorite isconsidered a“ New Age” stone, it works with the conscious mind, and much is still being learned about it. It may strengthen your thoughts so that you obtain a more accurate perspective of things. It is also a wonderful stone to work on many different types of energy grids. It is known to promote and strengthen our telepathic abilities with others, also our Spirit Guides, and other life in the Universe. And, last but not least, it is known for reprogramming negative thought patterns, which is a wonderful thing. 😊

Starz Dragon Spirit

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