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Crystal Avalon by StarzDragonSpirit - Crystal Periodot

Oct 21, 2016

Crystal Periodot
Crystal/Stone: Peridot Sign: Virgo,Leo,Scorpio,Sagittarius Number: 5,6,7

Found in: United States, Brazil, Egypt, Ireland, Russia, Canary Islands, etc.

Peridot is a yellow-green, so it will have the attributes of both colors. Also, this stone is very easy to find, but a real good quality, I suggest going to a reputable store. Peridot for centuries has been used to protect the aura.It has also long been associated with Soul Mates. Other well known attributes of this gem are: clairvoyance, inner vision, opening us to awareness and several others. This is a wonderful gem to enhance emotional clarity, it literally changes instinct into actual feelings, desire, also attracting us to a calm love, butpassion as well. Anyone that stays uptight or has difficulty in letting things go, this is a great stone to work with for those issues. Also, it helps to calm anyone down that panics easily, or if you are impatient, it helps to clear depressing thoughts and instills in all of us forgiveness. Peridot is a very powerful cleanser, helping to release toxins on all levels. What I love about it is that it not only cleanses but it activates the heart chakra, solar plexus chakra and helps get rid of“old baggage” mentally as well as all levels. It helps us release the past, including guilt or burdens and shows us how to look at our own higher selves for guidance. I have known many people who do not trust themselves and their own gifts, this stone strengthens our belief in ourselves and to push away what others may think. Peridot is The Cleanser. Get rid of old patterns, old vibrations and even challenge some of those old belief systems. This gem is attuned to the attainment of Spiritual Truth. It sharpens the mind and opens it to new levels of awareness. You, all of us deserve that, no matter who we are. It even helps with difficult relationships of all kinds. It lightens suffering, heals emotional pain, and directs us to being who we truly are instead of what someone expects us to be. It helps to balance ourselves while we are going through emotional release. It is a wonderful amulet. The fact alone that it leads us to truth and to walk truth, makes it very valuable to all of us. Peridots energy is warm, loving and kind, that is an energy we all can work with. 😊

Starz Dragon Spirit

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