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Crystal Avalon by StarzDragonSpirit - Celestite

Sep 19, 2016


Crystal/Stone: Celestite Sign: Gemini Number: 8, 2

Found in: Mexico, Peru, Egypt, Britain, Libya, etc…

Celestite promotes compassion for mother earth and all of her creatures. Her element is Air, which is the intellect, but, she is known for healing and love. It is known for awakening our ability to listen to the voice within and to hear the deep inner wisdom of our souls. It is not compared to any other stone when it comes to teaching us to listen. It is known for putting us in touch with the Goddess, our Spirit Guides, the Angelic Realm as well as Ascended Be-ings, and others. It is also known as an aid while channeling, helping to understand the knowledge that is being given, so that those whom are channeling the information understands. It is also a stone of balance and stabilizing the yin/yang energies. It also aligns the dimensional energy centers with those of the ethereal domain. It also clears and helps to perfect the chakras. Celestite has a calming energy which can help us strengthen our own inner peace, which helps us to make clearer decisions as it helps to build our confidence and trust, especially when it comes to hearig the messages within. It is a stone of grace and asks us to listen to what the Universe has bestowed upon us, which is Angelic Grace. It is cleansing and calming, so those of us who are stressed would do well to use this crystal. I place mine in my bath with me, just lay still and listen, I do that with a lot of my own crystals, you would be surprised how great you feel when you get out. Celestite is also known as a stone for the New Age. Anything that you pick up to read or feel from the stone itself, the primary word will be Divine, it is very a very high vibration stone and will make its presence known. There is a lot to this stone and well worth working with it, it is a bit pricey but, well worth having. 😊

Starz Dragon Spirit

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