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Crystal Avalon by StarzDragonSpirit

Jul 29, 2016

Crystal/Stone: Kunzite Sign:Scorpio, Taurus, Leo Number: 7
Element: Air- Mental

Kunzite is found in the U.S. as well as Brazil, Madagascar, etc. This crystal aligns the heart chakra with the throat and third-eye chakras. It gives us the ability to think loving thoughts and loving communication. It may also remove obstacles from our paths. It also dissolves negativity which allows the area around you to have a higher vibrational energy. It simply symbolizes the hearts journey on the mental plane. It is a very important stone inn our New Age, it is the perfect crystal for visual manifesting. It is a very concise crystal, meaning it will cut away that which veils our heart centers or clouds our memories with false perceptions. Even though Kunzite is known as a“mature” stone, it aligns itself with many of the“Star Children” born in the sixties. Many of these children do not have a problem or I should say baggage concerning truthful expression in matters dealing with the heart. This is a highly Spiritual stone that is known for its tranquility. It will awaken anyones heart and produce unconditional love, which in turn gives ourselves loving thoughts, which we can communicate to others. It has the power to connect our intellect, intuition and inspiration. I would say it is a stone worth having and to work with, romance anyone?

Starz Dragon Spirit

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