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Crystal Avalon by StarzDragonSpirit

Jul 25, 2016

Crystal/Stone: CitrineSigns: Gemini, Aries, Libra & Leo Number: 6

Citrine may be found or come from the United States, Britain, France, Brazil, etc. First I must say, here I am referring to“natural citrine” the real one, the other is heat treated. One way being by microwave in order to enhance the color of the stone. For myself, I want the real deal, and sometimes that is hard to come by and must be done in person so that you may feel the vibration of the stone. They have been treating them for yrs. , just like strawberry quartz, most of it is microwaved. Now with that being said, Citrine“is” one of the most powerful cleansers and regenerators you will find, it also is one of the very, very few you never have to cleanse, it does it itself. This if you are going to own only a few crystals is definitely a must have. *At some point and time I will put together a lil list of the“must haves” that you may work with and carry.* Some say it carries the power of the sun. It is a highly creative stone. Author Judy Hall & I agree, this powerful stone absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and grounds negative energy, and that is saying a lot. It is commonly known as a“cash” stone. It provides an abundance of prosperity. Years and years ago merchants kept a piece in their cash drawers“ to keep the flow going”. Working with the solar plexus of course that is going to assist with manifesting along with it being the emotional clearing house for the entire bodies. It also works with the crown and base chakras. It raises with its vibration self-esteem and confidence. If you are the type of person whom finds themselves in the“self-destructive” mode, this is certainly a stone for you to work with. It helps to overcome depression and fears by promoting joy in your life. Citrine covers a few astrological signs including, Aries- God of War, hence the above tendencies. It is also a highly protective stone. So, if you would like a pocket buddy, here it is. 😊

I wish you well, and hope that if you are pulled to this stone that you do go in person to obtain it, that way you may feel the energy before you purchase.

Starz Dragon Spirit

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