Nov 11, 2022
There are four Knights in the Tarot, the Knight of Cups, Pentacles, Swords and Wands
If you have drawn a Knight to represent an actual person in your life the Knight will possibly be an adult typically aged between 20 and 35 years more or less. If however the Knight in your tarot spread doesn’t represent a person in your life but is pulled as an event or situation it could be showing a holiday or perhaps you or someone close to you is considering moving home. It can be a sign to act quickly, or that your creative ideas are being brought into action. It says go for it!
What does the Knight Represent?
Knights are more mature than Pages, they are like the older brother and are typically action orientated. They aren’t as grown up as the King or Queen, they are not quite in charge but working towards it.
Just like an older brother some Knight’s think they know it all, they think they have all the answers, but unfortunately aren’t quite yet experienced enough to be able to take control of the family, this is still the job of the King.
The Knight will always be expressive and have strong feelings, which can mean that at times their behaviour can seem erratic and either positive or negative depending on the situation.
History tells us the Knight was the defender of the realm, he has the same role in tarot he defends his tarot suit, he is also the messenger. Thus when you draw a Knight you need to consider what needs to be defended or stimulated. The Knight brings a sense of action, and in some cases urgency to the reading, he wants you to act, to think and to probe before asking you to make a choice. Sometimes he can mean you are acting too quickly and asks’ you to slow down as with the Knight of Pentacles.
The Knights Traits
Knights tend to be energetic, fun, ambitious and adventurous. They are typically quite determined although sometimes a little hasty. They are normally quite charming and can at times have a magnetism that can be difficult to resist. The Knight is the budding entrepreneur.
Knights as You
As a part of yourself the Knight can mean you need to re-find your mojo. It asks you to trust your instincts, and reminds you that when you stop to think your gut feelings can be heard. The Knight wants you to embrace challenges, and says lighten up on yourself, stop giving yourself a hard time. It can also be a sign to believe in yourself or in the process, and be telling to you to be bold, brave and courageous and to have the conviction to take your ideas further.
How to interpret a Knight in your reading
Always consider both sides of a Knight – does he represent a helpful or harmful approach?
Each suit brings its own energy. For example:
- The Knight of Cups is emotional, flirty, passionate, and talks about love.
- The Knight of Pentacles talks about money and work.
- The Knight of Swords speaks about your intellect he is witty and assertive.
- The Knight of Wands represents action and ideas.
The one thing that is always certain when you draw a Knight is that he is going to bring something special to your reading!
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