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Colour Meanings in the Auric Field

Oct 7, 2023

Color in the Auric Field

Every living thing has an aura; it is an energetic field that surrounds us and is generally oval. The auric field is seen in the form of colours. Your own unique aura reflects your state of consciousness and to the intuitive eye will give an indication of your emotions, strengths, weaknesses, health, and energies. Each colour vibrates at its own unique frequency and will have different meanings.
Your aura emanates all around you and constantly changes depending on your surroundings, emotions, health, other people and so on...
There are 7 layers to the aura, each layer interconnects and influences the other layers.

Auric field colour meanings

The colours in your aura can be both positive and negative and can attract as well as repel. Each colour has its own meaning, which will alter depending on the shade, the intensity and even the form the colour takes. Auras contain the primary colours of the rainbow; these colours can change depending on the emotion an individual is experiencing. Our auras are made up of many colours and many shades of colours which alter; this shows our constant change in thoughts and emotions.

The 7 layers of the auric field?

1st layer the physical layer or the etheric layer it vibrates close to the physical body. This layer of the aura is typically various shades of blue.

The etheric aura can also be seen around trees, plants, and animals; it can also be detected around furniture.

The 2nd layer of the aura is the emotional layer, this will change in colour depending on how we are feeling when a person is low the colour of this layer can appear muddy. Physical tension, muscle cramps and upset stomach could be a result of the etheric (first) layer being bombarded by emotional pain residing in the second aura layer.

The 3rd layer of the aura is the mental layer; this contains your consciousness, ideas, thoughts, beliefs and mental processes.

The 4th layer of the aura is the astral bridge layer of the aura. The astral layer of the aura deals with the connections and bridge that the person has to the astral planes.

The 5th layer of the aura is the etheric template. The fifth layer of the aura, the etheric aura is a blueprint of the physical world the person is habituating.

The 6th layer of the aura is the celestial aura. The sixth layer, the celestial aura, is where we communicate with the spiritual realms.

The 7th layer of the aura is the ketheric template. This is the outer layer and holds all the other layers in place; it encompasses the blueprint of our spiritual path, mirroring the soul’s experiences and events through time.

Brief Auric field color meanings

Blue: Is connected to the throat and thyroid, this person will typically be calm, cool, caring, loving, intuitive and sensitive.

Light blue: Represents clarity, peace and communicating the truth, it also signifies an active imagination and good intuition.

Dark blue: Can often denote loneliness, with deeper shades showing devotion.

Royal blue: This person is probably clairvoyant and has a highly spiritual nature. It can also represent upcoming opportunities for growth.

Dark or muddy blue: Show someone that is over analytical, suspicious, probably has a fear of the future, or facing up to the truth. It can also denote a blocked perception, melancholy, forgetfulness, and oversensitivity.

Blue flashes: Can indicate when a person is receiving or sending clairvoyant communication.

Lavender – Would show a dreamer, this person may have a great imagination, be a visionary.

Indigo – This colour relates to the third eye. This person may be inspired and display a spiritual and devotional nature, this person will almost certainly be sensitive and be a lover of nature.

Violet: Relates to the crown, pineal gland, and nervous system, it is considered the most sensitive and wisest colour. This person is almost certainly intuitive and will have psychic powers.

The purple shades: Show an ability to handle situations with practicality and knowledge.

The paler shades: Reflect humility and spirituality.

The red-purple shades: Can indicate great passion and strength of will.

Darker or muddier shades: Show that the person is seeking to overcome something.

Turquoise: Relates to the immune system. This person makes a good therapist or healer, is sensitive and compassionate and will typically have a dynamic personality, energetic and quite capable of being very influential.

Yellow: Relates to the spleen and life energy. It is the colour of optimism especially when seen around the hairline, awakening, generosity, inspiration, intelligence, action. This person will be creative, playful, optimistic, and easy-going.

Dark yellow shows suspicion, greed, and materialism.

Dark brownish yellow or gold: represents the student, study, or one who is over analytical to the point of feeling fatigued or stressed.

Muddier shades: Represent excessive thinking and analysing and can indicate being overly critical, feeling of being deprived of recognition and being dogmatic.

Light yellow: Emerging psychic and spiritual awareness and positive excitement about new ideas.

Lemon yellow: Can denote one that is struggling to maintain power and control, or someone that fears losing control, prestige, respect, and/or power.

Pastel shades: Reflect wisdom and intellect and enthusiasm for something (especially in the pale yellow to white spectrum).

Deep yellow around the head indicates a person who has found enlightenment.

Orange: Relates to the reproductive organs and the emotions it is the colour of vitality, good health and enjoyment.

If orange is present in the astral layer, it can indicate an opening of new awareness of life.
Dull or muddy looking orange can infer low intellect, an emotional imbalance, agitation, and stress related to appetite and addiction.

Red: Has a strong energy it relates to the physical body, heart, circulation, vitality, ambition, sexual power, and reproductive system. Red is the densest colour and creates the most friction which can either attract or repel.

Deep red – Would imply someone that is grounded, realistic, active, strong, have good will-power, they will also be survival-oriented.

Dark or cloudy red shows anger, violent or passionate tendencies.

Clear red - Powerful, energetic, competitive, sexual, and passionate

Pink: Represents compassion, love, purity, joy and comfort and a strong sense of companionship.

Rose Pink: Indicates a person that is gentle, modest and would typically display selfless love.

Muddier shades: Can represent immaturity, truthfulness, or a lack of it. It can also reflect times of new love and new vision.

Green: Relates to heart and lungs. This is a healthy natural colour representing healing, calm, sensitivity, growth, and balance, it also shows changes happening.
Clear green shows adaptability and versatility.
Dark, muddy or forest green represent – uncertainty, deceit, resentment, mistrust, feeling like a victim and jealousy. This shade of green can also imply envy, insecurity and low self-esteem.
Emerald green - A healer, also a love-centred person

Silver: This colour represents abundance in all areas, if there is a lot of silver this person will almost certainly be wealthy, it can also show an awakening of the mind
Bright silver: This person will be intuitive and a lover of new bright ideas
Muddy silver or Grey: This can indicate problems building within the body, typically manifesting in health issues like depression or physical symptoms especially if the grey forms clusters over specific areas of the body.

Silver flashes within the aura: Indicate great creativity and fertility.
Grey: Represents initiation.

Shades of silver/grey: Reflect an awakening of the feminine energies, as well as intuition, creative imagination.
The darker shades of grey: Can imply physical imbalances, especially if seen next to specific areas of the physical body.

Brown: Can indicate greed, materialism, and selfish behaviours. Brown is the colour of the earth and within the aura especially above the head and around the feel can reflect new growth. It indicates establishing new roots and a desire to accomplish.
Brown across the face or touching the head: Would indicate a clogging of the chakra's energy and would imply that this chakra needs cleansing.

Gold: Is the colour of enlightenment and shows divine protection. This person is being guided by the higher good they will display good qualities and live in harmony with the world around them.

Black: Can denote protection, a shield from outside energies. It also denotes having secrets and the pulling of energy and transforming or consuming it.
If black is collected over a specific area of the body it can denote health issues.
In the outer edges of the aura: It can indicate holes in the auric field.

White – This colour will reflect other energy, it is considered a pure state of light and can be indicating a new not yet formed energy building in the aura. This colour is connected to purity, truth, and angelic qualities.
Flashes of white show that angels are nearby, it can also indicate that the person is pregnant or soon will be.

If you have enjoyed this article and would like to know more about your auric field visit me Starz Amber for a psychic photo reading:

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