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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - The Woodpecker

Oct 15, 2017

The Woodpecker

I am Woodpecker, the rhythm of the ancients and the heartbeat of the earth. I am drummer. I am the percussion of life. I am the one who digs deep and finds the secrets hidden within. I am in tune with the world and allow my echoes to lead me to the hearts of others. I can dredge up those things forgotten. I can call out that which hides. Know that everything has a time, a beat of its own. Know that there are always more layers beneath the surface.

I have come to change the pace and alert you to something new on the horizon. Align yourself now with what needs to be rather that what has fallen out of sync. Look to where you heart pulls you and let it play out. Find the new beat of your life. There is great power in re-alignment.

You are captivating sound.
You are the energy of vibration.
You are connection.
You are Woodpecker.

This bird shows that if there are any secrets that you have been wanting to stay hidden, that it is at this time they will be coming out.

Even though some of your secrets are going to be coming out it is a good thing that they are, as it shows there will be something new on the horizon from these secrets coming out.

It shows you held on to long to these secrets and it is better they are out and you can move forward, like a recovery for you.

**You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at :

Image: **The Winged Enchantment Cards by Lesley Morrison and artwork by Lisa Hunt images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited.**

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