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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - The Owl

Oct 6, 2017

I am Owl. I am the silence of the night. I am the arrival of mysterious things. I am the revealer of hidden traps beneath the snow and ghosts within the psyche. I am the unsettling of darkness. I am the goddess of death. At times you can not see me, but I permeate all worlds. My hunting grounds are the soul. You are a skill listener. You are a well seasoned traveler of realities.

I have been watching your movements and tracking your steps. You are beginning to see beyond the veil and crack the illusions of the night, but you must be vigilant and watch your step in the blackness. Take the quiet road and guard your inner world with determined purpose.

There is a vast trove of power that will guide you well as you soar into the cosmos; But before you boast of your new winged ally, realize that I am no bringer of easy roads. My path is lonely and requires retreat into the forests of the mind. This is where all awareness begins, and where all experience comes home to fulfill its purpose.

You are a sober night vision.
You are a master of the shadows.
You are at ease in solitude.
You are Owl.

This shows that when you seek what you want it will not come easy at first. You have to take some time for yourself when you start to feel overwhelmed with things going on around you.

When you take this time for yourself you will become aware of when things will need to change and where they need to. You are already seeing beyond the veil and seek more assurance on what and where you are headed to.

**You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at :

Image: **The Winged Enchantment Cards by Lesley Morrison and artwork by Lisa Hunt images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited.**

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