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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Svadhistana

Nov 21, 2017

(Sacral Chakra / Second Chakra)

Meaning: Inner Dwelling Place

Location: Below the navel

Sound: Vam

Color: Orange

Symbol: 6 Petal Lotus Flower

Rules: Reproductive organs, Ovaries, Testes

Element: Water

Qualities: Fluidity, Receptivity, Creativity, Pleasure

Practices: The sacral chakra is is the center of sensuous experience and pleasure. Water is the great connector for this energy center. Swimming, salt baths, even hot tubbing can be a great practice, as well as dance, coloring, painting and PLAY! Make time for enjoyment, for pleasure, and creative pursuits. This is a place that requires self-nourishment. Use color meditation and wear the color orange to stimulate that aspect within yourself. Choose any orange mudra to activate the sacral chakra.

This chakra cardtells us we need to make time for ourselves and to have that FUN TIME! We as adults sometimes think we need to be all work and no play. That gets us no where. This chakra helps us tofocus on where it is we need to help ourselves with this time for play. Just don't take yourself so seriously that you can't take time to enjoy life and your family. There is more to life then all the seriousness of the world! Go out and have fun!

**You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at :

*Image: "Mudras For Aweakening The Energy Body by Alison DeNicola and artwork bySabina Espinet, images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited.*

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