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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Pranidhana Mudra (Surrender)

Nov 15, 2017

Pranidhana Mudra

Pranidhana Mudra

Assists: Release, Support, Grounding

Benefits: Reduces tension. Supports eliminatory and reproductive systems. Slows and directs breathe into the pelvis.

Instructions: Bringing the hands together, connect the tips of the index and pinky fingers. Curl the middle and ring fingers in to touch the thumb tips. Rest the hands in front of the belly, wrists on thighs.

Caution: Lowers blood pressure

Focus: With deep awareness, I surrender what I know longer need.

Practice: Surrender the need to control, to know, to do and just be. Bring to mind any obstacle that you perceive to be in your way. See it fully and completely and then see yourself releasing it now... Picture yourself dropping it into a deep pool of water. Feel the power of surrender as you breathe into this image. See the pool now clear and flowing. See yourself now clear and flowing

Thisenergy cardwill help to assist you with releasing things that may be holding you back. It will help you to keep yourself grounded as well when you feel like you are out of control and feel like your bouncing from one point to the next. This card will help you to reduce your tension you may be having in your life as well. You don't have to feel like your in control all the time You can relax and let go every once in a while. I know the hustle and bustle of everyday life makes you feel as if you have to be on the go at all times but you really don't have to! This chakra card will help you to concentrate on releasing the negativity around you right now and the things holding you back as well.

**You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at :

*Image: "Mudras For Aweakening The Energy Body by Alison DeNicola and artwork bySabina Espinet, images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited.*

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