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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Inner Truth (Samputa Mudra)

Dec 16, 2017

Inner Truth
(Samputa Mudra)

Inner Truth
(Samputa Mudra)

Assists: Integrity, Truth, Communication

Benefits: Brings balance to the throat and vocal cords. Assists immune system. Opens clear communication. Supports balanced metabolism.

Instructions: Hold left hand cupped facing upward. Bring right hand, palm facing down, cupped over the top of left hand with fingers resting on the outer edge of left thumb. bring hands into the belly center.

Focus: I speak my truth clearly with integrity and compassion.

Practice: Bring to mind a person or situation in your life. See the situation in detail, and notice any judgement as it arises. Begin to breathe your balancing breath as you see this problem float up into the air. Surround it in a bubble of white and blue light. This bubble now floats up, growing smaller and smaller. The bubble now floats down and lands in the palm of your hand. You see how small it has become how manageable. Speak your truth with integrity and compassion. See the bubble dissolve into light.

This Chakra promotes your integrity, truth, and communication. If you have had issues in the past trying to convey exactly how you are feeling about something to someone now would be the time to bring it up to them. If you have had a lack of integrity and compassion, now is also the time to bring them back around to how you use to be as a person. Try to realign yourself.

**You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at :

*Image: "Mudras For Aweakening The Energy Body by Alison DeNicola and artwork bySabina Espinet, images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited*

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