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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Inner Guidance (Hridaya Mudra)

Dec 21, 2017

Inner Guidance
(Hridaya Mudra)

Assists: Insight, Self-compassion, Safety

Benefits: Supports heart and respiratory system. Releases tension in the chest and ribs. Assists the immune system. Cultivates trust in inner knowledge.

Instructions: Place the right hand over the heart. Place the left hand on top of the right hand. Relax the shoulders and lengthen the spine.

Focus: I listen openly and honor the voice of my heart.

Practice: Have a quiet sense of sound. Notice the hands on the chest and the gentle rise and fall of your breath. Allow yourself to travel deep inside your heart. Picture the heart space as a warm and brilliant inner room. See all of your beautiful qualities there. Notice and listen to the voice of your heart. Ask it any question you may have and take special care to listen for the answer. Know that it is always safe to do so. Trust that your inner knowledge is loving, kind and compassionate.

This Chakra will help you to look further into your insight. You are good at listening to your own heart and intuition but with this chakra it will help you to delve further into that. Know that you are beautiful inside and out. It is saying to those of you that don't trust your insight or possibly have not trusted it, it is saying to give your insights another look and practice more with them. They will strengthen the more you do it, just concentrate on them.

**You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at :

*Image: "Mudras For Aweakening The Energy Body by Alison DeNicola and artwork bySabina Espinet, images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited*

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