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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Guardian Angel Cards/Throat Chakra

Jul 19, 2018

Throat Chakra

"I speak my truth and encourage others to speak theirs."

The Throat chakra is linked to sound, communication, and self-expression. Its name is Vishuddha and means 'purification'. The color associated with it is blue and it is situated at the center base of the neck.

This card is a reminder to engage your heart and mind before speaking. Your words have great power over your own life as well as the lives of others. If you can't think of positive, uplifting things to say to or about people or situations it is sometimes best to say nothing at all.

Once a hurtful word is said,it can't be taken back. Before speaking, ask yourself whether what you are about to say will benefit all concerned.

Speaking your own truth, standing up for your rights and beliefs is also an aspect of a balanced Throat chakra. But always do this in a way that acknowledges the beliefs and truths of others.

A balanced Throat chakra also opens you to your own inner creativity and will help you live in the now.

This card is making sure to let you know that you NEED to think before you speak. You need to know that what you say does effect people and how they feel.

You can say what you feel but say it with tact and gentleness and don't just come out and be down right rude and uncaring about it.

If you disagree with someone about their beliefs or just disagree in general, you want to make sure that they are allowed to have their difference of opinion and give them respect for having it.

You can disagree with someone but there is a way of going about it without being disrespectful. You have the respect of others so make sure that you can keep that by watching what and how you say things to others.

You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at:

The deck is Conscious Spirit, Oracle Deck, Written and Illustrated by Kim Dreyer, US Games Systems Inc.

Image used with permission of USGame Systems, Inc Further reproduction prohibited

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