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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Guardian Angel Cards/Rainbow

Mar 29, 2018


You are a jewel, even though you may not see it. Even in the darkest times, you shine eternally bright. You are surrounded by an aura of loved and a pot of gold waits beyond the horizon. All will clear soon! Trust and continue to follow your dreams. You are eternally blessed.

If you have problems with self esteem or don't think you are worth much, your angel wants you to re-think your thinking! You are a rainbow even if you don't SEE this. You are valued in SOMEONES life even if you think you aren't. You are MATTERED! Whatever struggles you have been dealing with in your daily life, they will start to drop off and you will see clearly what you need to realize your worth and your dreams!

You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at:
Guardian Angel Cards -- Loving messages from the angels Blue Angel Publishing
Cards by Toni Carmine Salerno

Image used with permission of USGames Inc. Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited.

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