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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Eagle (the thread that binds you to spirit)

Mar 5, 2018


I am Eagle, the thread that binds you to spirit. I am the great sky dancer. I am your ascension made manifest. I am power in flight. I am the one who soars highest on the least amount of effort. I am faith in that which carries me. You have been called to evolve and I am your guide. Your soul demands growth and I am your nourishment. I am your signal to climb higher. Push harder and then let go. Allow the final push and then float freely on the changes that are coming. Do not attempt to steer the progress. You may have become too rigid in your spirituality. Clinging to dogma can hamper inner flight. Enlightenment will not come from books or classes; it is a lifetime journey. You may not know when the next thermal is coming to lift your wings, but have faith and make the leap anyway. Break the chains. Learn to soar. Get outside of your head and fly.

You are gaining altitude.
You are reaching the sky.
You are limitless.
You are Eagle.

The Eagle knows it is your time to start to evolve. The bird is here help you in this process. You are suppose to achieve more in your life at this POINT in your life. If you feel that you are being pushed into doing more in life then that time is NOW. Break the things holding you back and soar with the eagles. Let them teach you how to spread your wings and fly without being hindered by this stuff in this world. Everything you are searching for is being revealed to you by the sighting of this beautiful eagle!

You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at:

Image: Angel Inspiration Deck by Kim Dreyer, The Winged Enchantment written by Lesley Morrison Artwork by
Linda Hunt

Image used with permission of USGames Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited.*

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