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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Determination (Mushtika Muudra)

Dec 30, 2017

(Mushtika Muudra)

Assists: Spiritual discipline, Transformation, Willpower

Benefits: Optimized digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Supports the kidneys and adrenal glands. Cultivates determination and commitment to releasing self-limiting beliefs.

Instructions: With each hand, curl the fingers inward, bringing the pads of the fingers toward the palms, thumbs on the outside. bring the heels of the hands together and join the second joints of the fingers Extend the two thumbs, and bring together. Hold hands lightly against your abdomen. Relax the shoulders down and lengthen the spine.

Focus: My sense of positive determination arises from within.

Practice: Take several breaths to attune to your center. Allow your awareness to rest in the solar plexus. Feel the breath in the ribs, lungs, and chest. See a small flame light in the solar plexus Chakra. Feel the flame growing brighter, heat rising as you continue to breathe here. See the flame as purifying, burning away any obstacles, thoughts or beliefs that limit you. Let the fire fill you with this light of personal transformation.

This card is showing how you can discipline yourself spiritually. Possibly you haven't been diciplined enough to continue the need for your gift but it is saying you need to concentrate on it now as it will be helping you with many areas of your life. YOu just have to have the willpower to want to concentrate on growing your gift now matter what anyone says or how you feel you shouldn't be doing this, go for it!!

**You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at :

*Image: "Mudras For Aweakening The Energy Body by Alison DeNicola and artwork bySabina Espinet, images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited*

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