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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Conscious Spirit Oracle/Archangel Michael

Aug 7, 2018

Archangel Michael

"I am grateful for the strength and courage Archangel Michael brings to my life."

Archangel Michel's name means "Who is as God". His sword of light represents strength and courage in both our physical and spiritual aspects. You can call upon Michael to cut away your attachment to fear or any negative emotions that might be preventing you from moving forward.

Michael can also be called upon when you need protection from a person or situation. If you are burdened with situations or relationships that do not serve your higher self, call upon Michael to cut the cords attaching you to them, so you can move on in your life without their burden. Always request Archangel Raphael to heal these cuts and release the cores with love and gratitude of the lessons each has given you.

Michael is your rock in the angelic world. As long as you are on a path of truth and are aligned to your soul purpose, he will assist you in releasing all that does not serve your higher good, while at the same time instilling within you a feeling of strength, courage, and awareness of your path ahead.

**If you have had a very bad relationship that you should have left a long time ago, NOW is the time to cut those ties. If it is a job that you have to leave, NOW is the time for that as well.

**We sometimes get caught in a cycle that we can't seem to get out of. THIS is when we ask Michael to intervene for us. Call upon him to help us cut these ties that we can't seem to do for ourselves.

** We all deserve a higher purpose in this lifetime. Don't let those cords that hold us to someone or something stop us from having the highest purpose and calling we deserve.

**Interpretation by StarzRainsLovingInsight

You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at:

The deck is Conscious Spirit, Oracle Deck, Written and Illustrated by Kim Dreyer, US Games Systems Inc.

Image used with permission of USGame Systems, Inc Further reproduction prohibited

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