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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Be Strong (Rampel-angel of endurance)

Jan 29, 2018

Be Strong

The angel represented here is Rampel (angel of endurance.)

There are times when we are called upon to be strong; to stand sturdy and steadfast--physically, emotionally and mentally. Only you can determine when you need to draw upon all your inner reserves and stand up for yourself and others. Being strong does not only mean being strong for yourself, but also being strong for others when they are struggling.

The angels want us to know that even though sometimes we don't FEEL like being our strongest, THAT is EXACTLY when we NEED to be! You have others that are also depending on you for strength as well as yourself, you can't forget about them when you just don't feel like helping others or have the strength to do so. I know we all get down and depressed and don't feel like doing the RIGHT thing esp when we feel that way, but that is when we have to pull deep down in ourselves and find that STRENGTH we possess and say "the heck with this, I am NEEDED as a ROCK for people and DARN it "I" AM going to HELP." Then you will have that power and the strength will return!

Image: Angel Inspiration Deck by Kim Dreyer, The Winged Enchantment written by Lesley Morrison Artwork by
Linda Hunt
Image used with permission of USGames Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited.*

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