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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Balthial (angel of forgiveness)

Feb 1, 2018

Angel of Forgiveness


The angel represented here is Balthial (angel of forgiveness.)

We all have done something that we regret or have been hurt by someone else. Holding grudges and and wanting revenge will solve nothing. It traps us in a cycle of anger and resentment. Learning to forgive others is not only beneficial for the other person, but it allows you to heal and releases you from a perpetuating cycle of blame. Forgiving doesn't mean you have to forget what has been done.

The angel here says we have to learn to let things go in order to move forward. If we keep holding on to what was done to us we NEVER heal. :( That is a bad thing not only for you but for those around you as well, esp your loved ones. We all want to just live life and be happy but sometimes that doesn't happen. Just forgive and forget and let go and let God, things would be much better that way!

Third One

Let Go

The angel represented in this card is Zacharael (angel of surrender.)

We are so conditioned to following trends and trying to keep up with others, that we become entrapped in a cycle of fear and want. We believe that possessions and temporary things will give us happiness and fulfillment but this couldn't be further from the truth.Our attachment to material things often prevents us from finding the true meaning to our lives.

The angel wants us to FORGET the material things in our lives and that sometimes THIS is what drives us (the material things.) If we keep seeking the material things in life we can and WILL miss the TRUE meaning of why we were put on this earth. LET GO of the thought that money buys happiness as it truly DOESN'T! FIND that true thing in your life that will make you VERY VERY happy!!

You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at:

Image: Angel Inspiration Deck by Kim Dreyer, The Winged Enchantment written by Lesley Morrison Artwork by
Linda Hunt
Image used with permission of USGames Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited.*

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