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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Ask An Angel/Intuition Guided by Phuel

Nov 19, 2018

Guided by Phuel

We all have intuition. We just have to believe in ourselves that WE DO have it. We just have to tap into it and open it up to be able to help ourselves. We can't be afraid of it as it HELPS us in our lives to make better decisions AND to grow more spiritually in our lives.
Intuition is that gut feeling we have, that chill to the bone when something is wrong, and our inside voice. Don't forget even though we have our five senses we have a SIXTH for a reason! It helps us especially if we feel we are in danger. The five senses on show us the PHYSICAL world. The sixth shows us the veil behind the scenes.
For those of you that don't believe in the sixth sense, that is fine if that is what you feel, but you are just hurting yourselves. Your sixth sense can help you with SO MUCH in your life. Like that person you have a crush on, or that job you have been seeking, or that trip you want to take, delving into your sixth sense can help you with all these things and so much more. You just have to trust yourself that you DO HAVE what it takes to bring your sixth sense into fruition.

Interpretation by StarzRainsLovingInsight

You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at:

The deck is Ask An Angel by Toni Carmine Salerno & Carisa Mellado, US Games Systems Inc.

Image used with permission of USGame Systems, Inc

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