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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Angel Reading Cards by Debbie Malone and Amalia I Chitulescu

Sep 4, 2020

Angel of Relationships

"Look at both sides of the situation before you make your final decision."

**Inrerpretation below by StarzRainsLovingInsight

If you are having issues in your relationship, your angel wants you to look toward them and they will help you to decide in which direction you are going.

Before you make your final decision whether it is to leave or stay MAKE SURE to look toward your angel to KNOW for SURE which way to take/make your decision. This is mainly what your angel is there for, to help you make your very important decision that will affect you and the family.

Affirmation: I gratefully accept the help of my Angel of Relationships. I surrender this issue to my Angel of Relationships. I trust in her guidance and the love she shares with me and those in my life who are challenged at this present time.

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**Angel Cards by
Debbie Malone and Amalia I Chitulescu images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited.**

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