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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Angel Reading Cards by Debbie Malone and Amalia I Chitulescu

Aug 23, 2020

Angel of Clairaudience

"Listen to your inner guide. Your gift of clairaudience has awakened."

Have you noticed lately that you are hearing things that others aren't? Hearing that voice that you think is making you crazy? You aren't going crazy it is your clairaudience being awakened and this voice is letting you know it is ok to listen to what you are hearing!

You know you have had an ability for awhile to HEAR things that others do not. This is saying not to be afraid of this any longer as your angel is here to help you further your ability with hearing things!

Affirmation: I am ready to reawaken my gift of clairaudience. I listen to the spiritual guidance I receive from my Angel of Clairaudience. I hear and understand the information that is shared with me from the spirit realm.

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**Angel deck by
Debbie Malone and Amalia I Chitulescu images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited.**

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