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Cards by StarzRainsLovingInsight - Ambriel (angel of communications)

Feb 19, 2018

Angel of Communication

Seek Within

The angel represented here is Ambriel (angel of communications.)

Much of our mental and emotional feelings comes from our own mind--from the perceptions of the world around us. How we respond to people and situations, based on our beliefs, culture, conditioning and, upbringing will effect how we perceive our experiences. Going within and genuinely seeking your own inner truths will help you tap into your unique dreams, talents, and passion.

Ambriel wants us to not be so prejudiced about how we perceive things. What we see has a lot to do with people and situations and society as a whole. We have to forget our upbringing sometimes when the situation warrants it. We have to go within as Ambriel suggests to genuinely see what our thoughts really are regarding possibly a very trying situation, or even a situation we just may want clarity on.

You may reach StarzRainsLovingInsight at:

Image: Angel Inspiration Deck by Kim Dreyer, The Winged Enchantment written by Lesley Morrison Artwork by
Linda Hunt
Image used with permission of USGames Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited.*

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