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Building Blocks of Numerology

Apr 29, 2017

Numbers 1 - 9: The Building Blocks of Numerology

Numbers fill our daily life from dawn to dusk and beyond. Here, from Hans Decoz at, we learn the basics of numerology by exploring the single-digit numbers

The single-digit numbers, 1 - 9, are the foundation of the science of Numerology. Each of these numbers has its own personality -- strengths, shortcomings, quirks -- so to get a good understanding of how numbers affect us, it helps to get to know each of these numbers as if it were a person with its own unique traits. Get to know what each number means as we introduce you to each one personally!

Meaning of the Number 1

The primal force

Positive Characteristics: Individualistic and independent, showing leadership and drive. The 1 is masculine, focused, an originator and self-starter; it is also progressive, strong-willed, courageous, self-reliant and rebellious (in a constructive way).

Negative Characteristics: 1s can be stubborn, selfish, weak and undisciplined, or a pariah.

Associated in Astrology with: Mercury

Associated in Tarot with: The Magician

Meaning of the Number 2

The all-knowing

Positive Characteristics: Sensitive, tactful, diplomatic and cooperative. The 2s tend to be peacemakers and are loving, studious and patient. A 2 may express many musical or feminine qualities and also tends to be sensual and intuitive.

Negative Characteristics: 2s are often discontent and can be seen as spoiled or lazy. They can be careless, particularly with the truth, but when criticized for their faults are oversensitive.

Associated in Astrology with: The Moon

Associated in Tarot with: The High Priestess

Meaning of the Number 3

The creative child

Positive Characteristics: 3s are imaginative, expressive communicators and artists. They are tolerant, joyful, optimistic, inspiring, talented, jovial, youthful, dynamic ... the list goes on and on!

Negative Characteristics: For as inspirational as 3s are, there is a price: they are often vain, extravagant and prone to complaining. Intolerance, hypocrisy, impatience and superficiality are par for the course when it comes to 3s.

Associated in Astrology with: Venus

Associated in Tarot with: The Empress

Meaning of the Number 4

The salt of the earth

Positive Characteristics: 4s are disciplined, strong, stable, pragmatic, down-to-earth, reliable, dependable, hard-working, extracting, precise, methodical, conscientious, frugal, devoted, patriotic and trustworthy!

Negative Characteristics: 4s pay for their stability and pragmatism by tending toward the boring side. This may express itself with a lack of imagination, emotions, empathy. 4s may not bother to put much care into their appearance, and their social awkwardness can make them seem vulgar, crude or jealous.

Associated in Astrology with: Aries

Associated in Tarot with: The Emperor

Meaning of the Number 5

A dynamic force

Positive Characteristics: 5s are energetic, adventurous, daring and freedom-loving. They also tend to be versatile, flexible, adaptable, curious, social, sensual, quick-thinking, witty, courageous and worldly.

Negative Characteristics: On the flip side, 5s can be unstable, chaotic, self-indulgent, irresponsible or careless. They should beware the consequences of drug abuse and unhealthy sexual tendencies.

Associated in Astrology with: Taurus

Associated in Tarot with: The Hierophant

Meaning of the Number 6

The caretaker

Positive Characteristics: 6s are responsible, loving, self-sacrificing, protective, sympathetic and compassionate. These loyal, maternal figures are domestic, fair and idealistic healers or teachers.

Negative Characteristics: A 6 can overdo its inherent protectiveness and become anxious, worrisome, suspicious, paranoid, emotionally unstable, cynical or jealous. They tend toward the conventional side.

Associated in Astrology with: Gemini

Associated in Tarot with: The Lovers

Meaning of the Number 7

The seeker

Positive Characteristics: 7 isn't just a lucky number. It's also spiritual, intelligent, analytical, focused, introspective, studious, intuitive, knowledgeable, contemplative, serious, persevering, refined, gracious and displays much inner wisdom.

Negative Characteristics: 7s can be aloof, distant, sarcastic, socially awkward, melancholic, cowardly and, when they're at their worst, back-stabbers.

Associated in Astrology with: Cancer

Associated in Tarot with: The Chariot

Meaning of the Number 8

Balance and power

Positive Characteristics: 8s are authoritative, business-minded leaders. They value control and tend to be powerful, but are also balanced, materially detached, successful and realistic. They end up in management positions, are efficient, capable, street-smart and good judges of character.

Negative Characteristics: The dark side of the 8 can be cruel, insensitive, violent, bullish or greedy. At their worst, 8s can become intolerant religious zealots.

Associated in Astrology with: Leo

Associated in Tarot with: Strength

Meaning of the Number 9

Global awareness

Positive Characteristics: 9s are helpful, compassionate, aristocratic, sophisticated, charitable, generous, humanitarian, romantic, cooperative, creative, self-sufficient, proud and self-sacrificing.

Negative Characteristics: 9s can end up being egocentric, arrogant, self-pitying, sentimental, discontent, fickle, cold or mentally unstable.

Associated in Astrology with: Virgo

Associated in Tarot with: The Hermit

Image: Depositphotos_7404628_s-2015.jpg

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