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Astrology A Science?

Aug 2, 2016

For many years scientists have asserted that Astrology is NOT a science and that the Sun, Moon and planets cannot predict anything. However, a new [scientific] study revealed in AOL News Online shows the Sun and Moon's pull may trigger San Andreas earthquakes. Astrologers have been studying the planet's positions before during and after major earthquakes and to a certain extent have been able to give warning of impending earth movement.

Earthquakes can be caused by the sun and moon's gravitational forces, finds new research.

The recently published paper, led by the U.S. Geological Survey, focuses on the 800-mile-long San Andreas fault in southern California.

After assessing more than 80,000 tremors in the area between 2008 and 2015, the team determined that they occurred more actively during periods when the tides were becoming stronger.

While tides exhibit 12 and 24-hour cycles, there is also a longer one involving the alignment of the sun and moon to Earth which lasts 14 days (fortnightly cycle); this is the span the team used.

According to a study summary, "deep, small earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault are most likely to occur during the waxing fortnightly tide—not when the tidal amplitude is highest, as might be expected, but when the tidal amplitude most exceeds its previous value."

Just as gravitational pulls impact ocean currents, they can also shift the Earth's plates.

The hope is that this research can help to better predict earthquakes in the future, notes Gizmodo.

Here's an abstract from the paper presented on the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States ( web page:


The Sun and Moon exert a gravitational tug on Earth that stretches and compresses crustal rocks. This cyclic stressing can promote or inhibit fault slip, particularly at the deep roots of faults. The amplitude of the solid Earth tide varies over a fortnightly (2-wk) cycle, as the sun and moon change their relative positions in the sky. In this study, we show that deep, small earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault are most likely to occur during the waxing fortnightly tide—not when the tidal amplitude is highest, as might be expected, but when the tidal amplitude most exceeds its previous value. The response of faults to the tidal cycle opens a window into the workings of plate tectonics.


Earth tides modulate tremor and low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs) on faults in the vicinity of the brittle−ductile (seismic−aseismic) transition. The response to the tidal stress carries otherwise inaccessible information about fault strength and rheology. Here, we analyze the LFE response to the fortnightly tide, which modulates the amplitude of the daily tidal stress over a 14-d cycle. LFE rate is highest during the waxing fortnightly tide, with LFEs most strongly promoted when the daily stress exceeds the previous peak stress by the widest margin. This pattern implies a threshold failure process, with slip initiated when stress exceeds the local fault strength. Variations in sensitivity to the fortnightly modulation may reflect the degree of stress concentration on LFE-producing brittle asperities embedded within an otherwise aseismic fault.

Map of the San Andreas Fault, showin relative motion - Wikipedia

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