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Astro Forecast by StarzCelestial - Venus/Saturn

Jan 24, 2017

This week will find many of us concerned with our resources and values. It might not be an easy week, but it will be informational for sure. You might find yourself wanting something and you don’t have a way of getting it. This is typical with Venus and Saturn together in the sky; there can be a longing - whether its for something that you want but most specifically, it will be about someONE that you want.

Those with Venus/Saturn connections in their own chart, will find that the giving and receiving of love can be difficult at best. Because of the natural tendency to be reserved in showing love, this can put restraints on how a relationship evolves.

If you are in a relationship, you might find yourself having some difficulties this week showing affection. If so, it might mean you’re to find the answers to your issues alone, which is likely how Saturn/Venus will operate. Saturn and Venus, while kind of feeling that there isn’t enough love - will find the love within themselves. The real lesson is to find your own answers to your problems. When alone, finding the light within you can be all that you need.

A suggestion: take yourself out on a date this week. You’ll likely enjoy it! You’ll be able to find something you enjoy doing all by yourself, and you won’t necessarily need anyone else. Finding what you love, can be a fantastic experience!

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