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Astro Forecast by StarzCelestial - Venus in Sagittarius

Oct 18, 2016

Venus into Sagittarius, 10/19
The first one is Venus into the sinus Sagittarius on 1019. Venus is the son of love and how would like to receive and give it. So when it moves into a new sign, That means those needs of the sign will rise to the top of the bowl. With Sagittarius, we can expect our love life to be filled with adventure and laughter. After Venus going through Scorpio, we can certainly appreciate and welcome the comic relief!

With Venus being in Sagittarius for about three weeks, we can expect that travel would be more of an activity expected. We would also see the need to expand the relationship beyond its borders. In other words, there would be an need to release into happiness in a whole new way. This can be very exciting and fun.

Mars/Pluto in Capricorn, 10/19/16, 4;50 am PST. This is the big one this week. This conjunction the planets happens on the same day of the presidential debate. What's going to happen with that who knows. But there will likely be some sort of global impact from this.

Because Pluto is transformation and change, And Mars's aggression an assertion, what ever potential situation that is ignited in the world at this time will take on global meaning. I am not saying that there's going to be something catastrophic, but something perhaps so meaningful, that it could change how we look at something. It will likely have an impact, but look for the empath to go very deeply in all of us.

We have been looking at issues a sexual abuse and women's rights this last week. This likely to be a continuation of those issues. Michelle Obama's speech last week was impactful, in that regard – it was a very powerful speech saying, ”enough is enough" in regards to sexual assaults on women. Keep an eye on this week. It could be amazing!

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